DrugStore - Android app is the client side app for ordering medicines.
It is free and open source.
DrugStore for Android is a companion app for Drugstore Web.
DrugStore WebApp is for administration of orders on the admin(DrugStore) side.
With this app, customers can order medicines from the pharmacy it is connected to. The pharmacy has to host the companion administration web-app Drugstore Web.
UserName: Admin
Password: Admin@2020
OTP For Android Verification: 000000
The android app lets you:
- Authenticate via phone and password.
- Super simple sign up process with auto verification of OTP.
- Completely ad-free.
- Material Design.
- Specify medicine names.
- Or take picture of prescription and order.
- Realtime update.
- Update minimum order value in realtime.
- Block specific users from ordering.
- Multiple order statuses.
- Push notification to notifiy order status change.
Splash | Login | Register |
Home | Category | Detail |
Products | Cart | Checkout |
Order | Order Details | Prescription |
On Android versions prior to Android 6.0, pharmrmacy android requires the following permissions:
- Full Network Access.
- Read and write access to external storage - To access prescription images
- Camera access - To capture image of prescription
- Receive sms - To access OTP code and verify automatically
You are free to use and modify the app.
This application is released under GNU GPLv3 (see LICENSE). Some of the used libraries are released under different licenses.