See Product Requirements Document on Google Docs.
I want to make accountable blocklists easy by allowing users to look up evidence for why a user is on a targeted blocklist like @NaziBlockbot (e.g., pointing out swastikas in a profile image, 14 words in their profile description, or racist/white supremacist harassment).
One simple application of this receipts database would be allowing users to DM a bot to have the bot block the indicated user and store the indicated tweet as a receipt for why that user was blocked. Any blocklist could take advantage of such a tool.
Testing live prototype of back-end at
├── # CRUD methods
├── # Flask routes
├── # mostly regex for parsing inputs and tweets
├── Procfile # defines run command for Heroku
├── requirements.txt # defines requirements for Heroku
├── runtime.txt # defines Python version for Heroku
├── # Twitter OAuth methods
├── # old test version of Nazi classification engine
├── # unit tests
├── # basic utility methods (db_connect() and get_api())
├── static
│ └── css
│ └── main.css
└── templates
├── app.html # Nazi classification UI from Sturmjäger
├── approvals.html # For approving receipts (logged in blocklist admins only)
├── error.html # Generic error page
├── layout.html # Template (includes header & footer)
├── results_table.html # displays receipts or search results
└── start.html # login page
- Plan additional features for CRUD MVP
- Build more unit tests.
- Mock post and get requests.
- Build demo mode.
- Create route to single receipt by ID.
- Create route to all receipts by the logged-in user (if not logged-in, redirect to login page).
- Configure and test digitalocean droplet.
- (X) Block approved receipts.
- (Test this)
- Launch MVP and separate staging dev node.
- Handle errors gracefully.