Ansible role for installing mod_security in Apache on EL 7 platform (RHEL/Centos 7). It checks if Epel repository is installed and installs Apache Httpd if not already present. The role downloads and installs the latest OWASP CRS Core Rule Set.
Platform: RHEL/Centos 7
This role needs two roles:
- geerlingguy.apache
- yaegashi.blockinfile (if using Ansible 2.0 not necessary as already included in core modules)
Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:
- name: Install Modsecurity
hosts: modsec
remote_user: centos
become: yes
become_method: sudo
- sardpost.modsecurity
- yaegashi.blockinfile
Davide M. Puggioni