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This project aims to train tagger for the Serbian language using SpaCwith the use of Large Language Model (LLM)es. The training data is sourced from the Jertehs Corpus.

The project workflow involves several stages, including data preparation, model training, and evaluation. This repository contains scripts and instructions for each of these steps.

Data Preparation

SrpKor4Tagging Jerteh's Corpus data is provided in Verticalized Text (VRT) format. VRT is an annotated text format that includes essential linguistic information about each word, such as its lemma, part of speech, and morphological attributes.

There is two other corpuses in Coprus folder: UD_Serbian-SET (Universal Dependencies) from [here] (
This is on conllu format, and and it was converted to VRT format using standard spacy convereter.

The next is SrpELTeC-gold, also from Jerteh. It set of old Serbian novela, and in BRAT format. In in folder SrpELTeC-gold, there is script for converting BRAT to spacy.

The script is used for converting the VRT files into a format compatible with SpaCy training. This script processes the VRT file and generates a binary .spacy file. The .spacy file comprises the words, lemmas, POS tags, and UD tags from the VRT file.

Here's how to use the script:

python path_to_your_vrt_file.vrt output.spacy

Note that root path for the VRT file is set in the script. It is Corpus folder in this git.

The script will generate a .spacy file in the same directory as the VRT file. This file can be used for training the SpaCy model.


There is two other corpuses in Coprus folder: UD_Serbian-SET (Universal Dependencies) from [here] (

There was problem with naming convention in SrpELTeC-gold corpus, so the script was writtent o rename files.

The convesion to spacy format is done using script. Note that scrptit uses spacy pipeline, since SrpELTeC-gold only has NER tags, and not others. If onl;y NER si tot betraing using blank is enough.

And finally script is used to spearte spacy files in train, eval and test sets.

Here is how to use it:

python train-test-split. name_of_your_spacy_file.spacy

It assumed that file is in Corpus folder, and it will generate train, eval and test files in the same folder, adding -train -dev, -test, just before .spacy .


-Model2: is trained in SrpKor4Tagging corpus using basic token to vector, tagger, lemmatizer.

Besides being useful, it will be comparation, to languge modeal traied using LLM

The next pipeline uses transformer-based models to provide tokenization, part-of-speech tagging, and lemmatization. Specifically:

  • Model 3: bert-base-multilingual-uncased is a transformer-based model that is pre-trained on a large corpus of text in multiple languages. It is part of the BERT family of models and is designed to handle text in multiple languages without the need for language-specific models.

  • Model 4: Classla Bertic is a transformer-based model that is trained on Serbian, Croatian, and other similar languages. It is part of the classla library, which provides a suite of natural language processing tools for Slavic languages.

  • Model 5: Berticovo is a transformer-based model that is specifically trained on Serbian. It is part of the bertic library, which provides a suite of natural language processing tools for Serbian.

Model 6-

Note that due to space constraints, only models 2 and 3 are uploaded on Git, but both the base configuration and configuration files are set for training. If anyone wants the files, they can contact me over Git and I will be happy to share them.

The next step in the pipeline is to add named entity recognition (NER) to the pipeline, but this is still a work in progress.

Model 5 was converted to package and uploaded to Hugging Face model hub. It can be found here.

it can drecly intasteled using pip:

!pip install

and it can be used in spacy pipeline:

# Using spacy.load().
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load("sr_Spacy_Serbian_Model_SrpKor4Tagging_BERTICOVO")

# Importing as module.
import sr_Spacy_Serbian_Model_SrpKor4Tagging_BERTICOVO
nlp = sr_Spacy_Serbian_Model_SrpKor4Tagging_BERTICOVO.load()


Using Jertehs corpuses to train spacy with tranformer and LLM








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