Authors: Sasha Kolpakov (UniNe, Switzerland) & Michael Werman (HUJI, Israel)
The paper is available as icp_init.pdf
Some tests and examples of ICP initialization:
under ideal conditions (icp_init_main_algorithm); with multiplicative noise (icp_init_mult_noise); with additive noise (icp_init_add_noise); with occlusions points added (icp_init_occluded_images); with occlusion and noise superimposed (icp_init_superposition); registering two scans of the same object (icp_init_partial_scan).
Caerbannog point clouds from (unoccluded teapot, bunny, cow); Three D Scans from ("Enfant au Chien", "Pan and Bacchus", "Hermanubis" statues before and after restoration).
SageMath ( installed to run the worksheets; Open3D (, available via pip.
generating interactive pictures illustrating the algorithm (icp_init_generate_pics); pictures saved in /pics/ folder (add_noise_pic, mul_noise_pic, occluded_pic files, all timestamped, for each Caerbannog point cloud); all pictures are in scripted html format and have to be downloaded to be viewed;
comparing ICP performance without initialization, and with initialization under ideal conditions, no noise, no occlusion (icp_init_comparison); interactive pictures saved in /pics/ folder (comparison_no_init, comparison_init files, all timestamped, for each Caerbannog point cloud);
comparing our initialization of local ICP to global optimization ICP version GO-ICP (, test statistic available in (go_icp_comparison).