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This repository contains Fenics-based python codes for solving partial differential equations arising from compaction, darcy two-phase flow, and Darcy one phase flow

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MuPoPP (Multiphase Porous flow and Physical Properties) v 1.2.2

This module contains functions for solving mass and moemntum conservation equations for single phase darcy flow, two-phase darcy flow, compaction, reactive darcy flow, and reactive compaction flow equations. Each class contains the governing equations for the equations.

Detailed description of each class is provided within the classes. The solvers and boundary conditions should be set within the script files calling on the module functions. The multiphase physical properties are calculated by the module mumap_fwd. See details for these calculations in the docs for mumap_fwd.

Copyright Saswata Hier-Majumder, January 2018 Modified by Joe Sun and Ryan Payton. Works with Dolfin 2017.1.0 Python 2.7 Release 1.2.2, March 4, 2020


This module contains a number of classes corresponding to different PDE problems. Some of the classes may not work properly. See below for a description of the classes that are currently working.

Class compaction

This class calculates the governing equations for a deforming, viscous matrix, and a pore fluid occupying interstitial spaces. The governing equations for momentum conservations are given by the two PDEs

grad(alpha div(u))+div((1-phi)*symgrad(u))-grad(p)=h              (1)
div(u - (delta/L)**2 * phi**2 * m *grad(p)) = Da *(R/(1-R))*Gamma (2)

where u, the matrix velocity, and p,the modified fluid pressure,
are the two primary unknowns. phi is the spatially and temporally variable
melt volume fraction, delta is the compaction length, L 
is the characteristic length of the problem, m is mobility, Da is 
dimensionless Damkoehler number, R is the dimensionless density
contrast between the melt and the matrix, alpha is bulk viscosity,
and Gamma is the rate  of melt generation.

The right hand side vector h comprises of buoyancy, surface tension,
and melt generation.

Mass conservation is given by the time dependent equation

diff(phi,t) = div((1-phi)*u) + Gamma/rho                          (3)

See the functions for these equations for weak formulation

Class darcy_two_phase (To be updated)

This class contains the variables and functions
for porous flow of a mixture of fluids. See Cheueh et al (2010)
for details of the governing equation and weak formulation.
The governing PDEs are given by
phi*diff(S,t) + div(F*u) = qw      (1)
div(u) = q                         (2) 
u = -D*lambda*k*grad(p)            (3)
where phi is the porposity, S is saturation, u is the velocity,
and q_w is source term for one of the fluid phases. The 
dimensionless quantity F is the ratio between mobility of the
fluid over the total mobility. 
q =qw+qo total source function
D is the diemnsionless Darcy number
lambda is the dimensionless mobility
and p is the modified pressure

Class DarcyAdvection

This class solves for a simple advection-diffusion
equation for a single or multicomponent flow, the governing
PDEs for Darcy flow are:        
div(u) = 0                                                          (1)
phi*u = -k*(grad(p)-drho*zhat)                                      (2)
dc0/dt + dot(u,grad(c0)) = div(grad(c0))/Pe - Da*c0*c1/phi + beta*f (3)
dc1/dt = - Da*c0*c1/phi                                             (4)
where c0 and c1 are concentrations of the reactants in the liquid
and solid, u is the fluid velocity, p is pressure, k is permeability
drho=difference between liquid and solid densities, zhat is a unit
vecotr in vertically upward direction, Pe is Peclet number, Da is
the Dahmkoler number, beta is source strength, f is a function
for lateral variations in source of c0, and phi is the constant porosity

On initiation of the class:
          the dimensionless numbers, Pe, Da, alpha =beta*phi are loaded
          the timestep dt and CFL criterion are also loaded to default
For the remaining functions, see the docstring of each individual function
for help.

Class StokesAdvection

This class solves for a simple advection-diffusion
equation for a single or multicomponent flow, the governing
PDEs for Stokes flow are:        
div(u) = 0                                                          (1)
-grad(p)+div(grad(u)) = 0                                        (2)

This code is useful for reactive Stokes flow through a known geometry. The
sample file uses a simple geometry file, but it can also be used to read
in 3D microtomographic images of connected pore space in natural reservoirs.

The function stokes_ADR_precipitation carries out the additional reactions
for a three component system, following the reaction
An + H2CO3 = Ka + CaCO3

On initiation of the class:
          the dimensionless numbers, Pe, Da, alpha =beta*phi are loaded
          the timestep dt and CFL criterion are also loaded to default
For the remaining functions, see the docstring of each individual function
for help.

Class CCS

This class solves for a simple advection-diffusion
equation for a single or multicomponent flow, the governing
PDEs for Darcy flow are:        
div(u) = 0                                                          (1)
phi*u = -k*(grad(p)-drho*zhat)                                      (2)
dc0/dt + dot(u,grad(c0)) = div(grad(c0))/Pe - Da*c0*c1/phi + beta*f (3)
dc1/dt = -fac1*Da*c0*c1/phi                                             (4)
dc2/dt = fac2*Da*c0*c1/phi
where c0 and c1 are concentrations of the reactants in the liquid
and solid, u is the fluid velocity, p is pressure, k is permeability
drho=difference between liquid and solid densities, zhat is a unit
vecotr in vertically upward direction, Pe is Peclet number, Da is
the Dahmkoler number, beta is source strength, f is a function
for lateral variations in source of c0, and phi is the constant porosity.
c2 is the concentration of solid product, fac1 and fac2 are factors
to convert from volume fraction to mass fraction. The underlying chemical
reaction is
An + H2CO3 = Ka + CaCO3
c0 is the consentration of H2CO3 in the liquid
c1 is the concentration of An in the solid
c2 is the concentration of CaCO3 in the solid

On initiation of the class:
          the dimensionless numbers, Pe, Da, alpha =beta*phi are loaded
          the timestep dt and CFL criterion are also loaded to default
For the remaining functions, see the docstring of each individual function
for help.


This repository contains Fenics-based python codes for solving partial differential equations arising from compaction, darcy two-phase flow, and Darcy one phase flow






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