Creation of an automated bot to play the game storm the house. The goal is for the bot to play only using clicking, it is not allowed to repair or buy upgrades to help it out.
Note that it only works for Mac. For other platform some adjustment might be needed.
Furthermore, the value for the location of the game have currently been hardcoded for a 1680*1050 screen, this needs to be adjusted in the value to make it work. Simply look at the position of the various constant and input them (CMD + SHIFT + 4 for mac).
# Install dependencies
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Run auto-clicker
There are 2 main functions in the
The first launchStormTheHouse
launch the game by automatically launching chrome and then typing the website link and clicking start. It can be de-activated if you wish.
The second playStormTheHouse
launch the auto-clicker, it will only be active in the area of the game (defined in the constants). It takes 2 parameters, the first set whether or not the autoclicke ris activated by touching the left side of the screen, the second decides whether or not the auto-clicker automatically goes to the next level and does the upgrade in the game.