This repository is for getting notifications from background when the app is closed in ionic app(Android only).
This is the plugin is combination of two plugings
Thanks to the authors both the above plugins using this plugins we have developed this functionality.
$ ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-ibeacon
$ npm install --save @ionic-native/ibeacon
Using above commands download the ibeacon plugin Add the below code for ibeacon usage in ionic app Create one provider and copy the all code shown below
import { IBeacon } from '@ionic-native/ibeacon';
constructor(private ibeacon: IBeacon) { }
// Request permission to use location on iOS
// create a new delegate and register it with the native layer
let delegate = this.ibeacon.Delegate();
// Subscribe to some of the delegate's event handlers
data => console.log('didRangeBeaconsInRegion: ', data),
error => console.error();
data => console.log('didStartMonitoringForRegion: ', data),
error => console.error();
data => {
console.log('didEnterRegion: ', data);
Replace the beacon uuid with your beacon uuid and identifier also
let beaconRegion = this.ibeacon.BeaconRegion('deskBeacon','F7826DA6-ASDF-ASDF-8024-BC5B71E0893E');
//this below methods for didenterregion and didexit regions methods intialization
() => console.log('Native layer recieved the request to monitoring'),
error => console.error('Native layer failed to begin monitoring: ', error)
//this below methods for initialize didrangebeaconsinregion method
() => {
error => {
If you have any doubt regarding creation of provider we have added beacon-provided.ts file it's contains the all the methods shown above just copy the file beacon-provide.ts into your provides and call the method initialize using beaconprovider so it will start monitoring beacons before that make sure you have replaced beacon detailes with your beacons.
with in our repository we have developed one plugin using
that is Background-Beacon-Monitoring-master plugin
Download this folder into your app folder
using the below commands you can add this plugin to your app
cordova plugin add "Background-Beacon-Monitoring"
After succesfully added you can see this plugin in plugins as
using the below code we can use this plugin in ionic app
In you app folder with in app.components.ts file After all imports declare the variable defined as below
declare var BackgroundBeaconMonitoring:any;
with in the contoller we are accesing the all methods here
//pass whatever the parameters you want as shown below
After doing this this plugin is able to run all the beacons methods even when the app is closed
Now with in this repository you will see a folder called com.unarin.cordova.beacon
copy the src/android/ and src/android/ and plugin.xml Files into your cordova plugin com.unarin.cordova.beacon
Now you are able to get notify when the app is closed in ionic android app
Make sure that with you have given same package name what you are using now
getNotificationIntentPackageName() using the above method you can change the package name replace io.ionic.starter with your package name
with in the config.xml in your app folder you can see the package name of your app
it should be like
public String getNotificationContentTitle() {
return getString(PREFIX + CAT_NOTIFY + "ContentTitle", "PromoNear");
public String getNotificationContentText() {
return getString(PREFIX + CAT_NOTIFY + "ContentText", "Are You In Beacon Region");
public String getNotificationIntentPackageName() {
return getString(PREFIX + CAT_NOTIFY + "Intent.packageName", "io.ionic.starter");
now type the command
npm install --save @ionic-native/ibeacon
you will be notified when you enter into the any beacon region
if you want to notify didexit and didrangebeaconsinregion then again goto find the methods add the line ShowNotification();
Thanks for the authors who created those plugins becuase those plugins we are able to create this functionality.