Welcome to the Java Data Structures and Algorithms repository! This project is a comprehensive implementation of various Data Structures and Algorithms in Java, covering both fundamental concepts and advanced techniques.
This repository serves as a resource for learning and implementing Data Structures and Algorithms in Java. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer looking to refresh your knowledge, this project provides examples and explanations for each topic.
- Basic array operations and manipulations.
- Singly linked lists, doubly linked lists, and circular linked lists.
- Implementation of stacks and common operations.
- Different types of queues, including priority queues.
- Binary trees, binary search trees (BST), and AVL trees.
- Representation of graphs and common algorithms like DFS and BFS.
- Basic hash table implementation and collision handling.
- Min and max heaps and heap sort.
- Bubble sort, selection sort, merge sort, quicksort, etc.
- Linear search, binary search, and variations.
- Understanding and implementing recursive algorithms.
- Solving problems using dynamic programming techniques.
- Solving optimization problems using greedy strategies.
- Solving problems by exploring all possible solutions.
- Dijkstra's algorithm, Kruskal's algorithm, etc.
- Trie data structure for efficient string manipulation.
- Building and querying segment trees.
- Efficiently merging and finding disjoint sets.
- Handling range queries and updates efficiently.
Clone the repository and explore the Java implementations of various Data Structures and Algorithms. Each folder contains detailed explanations and examples.
Feel free to contribute by adding new implementations, optimizing existing code, or providing clearer explanations. Follow the contribution guidelines to get started.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.