Create a random schedule based on a input file that lists the training names and the duration in below format.
Session Name | Duration |
Organising Parents for Academy Improvements | 60min |
Teaching Innovations in the Pipeline | 45min |
Teacher Computer Hacks | 30min |
Making Your Academy Beautiful | 45min |
Academy Tech Field Repair | 45min |
Sync Hard | 5min |
Unusual Recruiting | 5min |
Parent Teacher Conferences | 60min |
Managing Your Dire Allowance | 45min |
Customer Care | 30min |
AIMs – 'Managing Up' | 30min |
Dealing with Problem Teachers | 45min |
Hiring the Right Cook | 60min |
Government Policy Changes and Bridge | 60min |
Adjusting to Relocation | 45min |
Public Works in Your Community | 30min |
Talking To Parents About Billing | 30min |
So They Say You're a Devil Worshipper | 60min |
Two-Streams or Not Two-Streams | 30min |
Piped Water | 30min |
The expected output is like:
Session Name | Duration |
Academy Tech Field Repair | 45 min |
Teacher Computer Hacks | 30 min |
Unusual Recruiting | 5 min |
Public Works in Your Community | 30 min |
Sync Hard | 5 min |
Adhoc Break | 5 min |
Lunch Break | 1HR |
Piped Water | 30 min |
Two-Streams or Not Two-Streams | 30 min |
So They Say You're a Devil Worshipper | 60 min |
- The schedule need to be random and the output should be unique in every run.
- There are 2 sessions before/& after lunch. Each spans around 120 mins.
- Fill the buffers (leftover time) in b/w any sessions with breaks (adhoc-break)
The execution begins from TrainingOrganizerMaster.cs. Pass the input filename in above format as command line argument.
- TrainingOrganizationMaster - The Master class which controls the execution.
- CustomException - Custom Exception class to read exception in details
- ExtractSessionDetailsToXML - The class reads the input file and converts it to a XML file named SessionData.xml. The file get stored at C:\temp.
- Training - Primarily used to serialize the data. Raw format to XML.
Yes. A sample input file is available inside config folder of the project.