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A compact Python client for managing a connection with the UltraDNS API. For the "official," and much more ambitious project, go here.


  • Support for authenticating with username and password, or directly with a bearer token.
  • Automatic token refreshing when the token expires.
  • Built-in handling of various content types.


You can easily install ultra_auth using pip:

pip install ultra_auth

Once installed, you can use the ultra_auth module in your Python scripts:

from ultra_auth import UltraApi
client = UltraApi(args)


Authenticating using Username and Password

client = UltraApi(your_username, your_password)

Authenticating using Bearer Token

client = UltraApi(your_bearer_token, use_token=True)

Authenticating using Bearer Token and Refresh Token

client = UltraApi(your_bearer_token, your_refresh_token, True)

Making API Calls

# Make a GET request
response = client.get("/ultra/api/endpoint")

# Make a POST request
response ="/ultra/api/endpoint", payload={"key": "value"})

# ... similarly for PUT, PATCH, DELETE

Response Handling

The client can return data in the form of dictionaries, strings, or bytes depending on the response content type.

For example:

  1. The zone export endpoint, when requesting more than one zone, will return a zip file
  2. The zone export endpoint, when requesting one zone, returns a plain text response
  3. Most endpoints return JSON


Debug Mode

When debug mode is enabled the client will print some verbose information about the request to stdout.

client = UltraApi(your_username, your_password, debug=True)
# Toggle it on and off

Pretty Print Mode

When pretty print mode is enabled the client will print the JSON response in a more human-readable format. This returns a string instead of a dictionary, so be aware of that.

client = UltraApi(your_username, your_password, pprint=True)
# Toggle it on and off


The client will send a unique User-Agent header with each request. By default, the User-Agent header will be "python-ultra-auth/vX.X.X (+repository_url)" where X.X.X is the version of the client.

You can override this by passing a custom User-Agent header to the client.

client = UltraApi(your_username, your_password, user_agent="my-custom-user-agent")
# This can be modified using the set_user_agent method. You return to the default, simply set it to None.

Managing Tasks

Some endpoints return tasks, indicating that the operation might take some time to complete. For these scenarios, there's a TaskHandler helper class.


Create an instance of UltraApi.

import ultra_auth
client = ultra_auth.UltraApi(your_username, your_password)

Pass this to the TaskHandler.

task = ultra_auth.TaskHandler(client)

Getting the Task ID

When an endpoint returns a task, the response will contain a task_id.

response ='/v3/zones/export', {'zoneNames':['']})
task_id = response['task_id']

Checking Task Status

You can check the current status of a task using check or implicitly wait for it to be completed using wait.

print(task.wait(task_id, 5))

The second wait arg is the number of seconds to pause between polling. The default is 10.

Task Results

Once a task is completed, you can retrieve the result using the result method:



Using a bearer token without a refresh token means the client state will expire in approximately 1 hour (assuming the token was just generated). The client won't stop you from doing this, but be warned.


Contributions are always welcome! Please open a pull request with your changes, or open an issue if you encounter any problems or have suggestions.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details