Avaiilable on Telegram as @DaisyXBot
Generate String Session << Select telethon
The bot is based on the original work done by SophieBot This repo was just revamped to suit an Anime-centric & comedy loving community. All original credits go to SophieBot and their dedication, Without his efforts, this fork would not have been possible!
All other credits mentioned on top of scripts
Anything missing kindly let us know at Daisy Support or simply submit a pull request on the readme.
DaisyX-v2.0 (Base AioGram)
- @Kaviya-Admin - A Developer of Project
- @Anjana_Ma - A Developer of Project
- Dark Prince - A Co-Developer of Project
- Official_Bawwa - A Developer of Project
- Inuka Asith - A Developer of the project
- annihilatorrrr - A Co-Developer of Project
- @sithum batrow - A Developer of Project
- @tamilvip007 - Helper
- @charindith - Helper
- @mubashirrehman - Helper
- For you..
And as always thanks to AioGram devs, Dan for pyrogram, lonami for telethon and Durov for telegram Special thanks to you for using bot