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SyncFlux is an Open Source InfluxDB Data syncronization and replication tool for migration purposes or HA clusters


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SyncFlux is an Open Source InfluxDB Data syncronization and replication tool with HTTP API Interface which has as main goal recover lost data from any handmade HA influxDB 1.X cluster ( made as any simple relay )

Intall from precompiled packages

Debian RedHat Docker
deb - signature rpm - signature docker run -d --name=syncflux_instance00 -p 4090:4090 -v /mylocal/conf:/opt/syncflux/conf -v /mylocal/log:/opt/syncflux/log tonimoreno/syncflux

Run from master

If you want to build a package yourself, or contribute. Here is a guide for how to do that.


  • Go 1.11

Get Code

go get -d

Building the backend

cd $GOPATH/src/
go run build.go build           

Creating minimal package tar.gz

After building frontend and backend you will do

go run build.go pkg-min-tar

Creating rpm and deb packages

you will need previously installed the fpm/rpm and deb packaging tools. After building frontend and backend you will do.

go run build.go latest

Running first time

To execute without any configuration you need a minimal config.toml file on the conf directory.

cp conf/sample.synflux.toml conf/syncflux.toml
./bin/syncflux [options]

Recompile backend on source change (only for developers)

To rebuild on source change (requires that you executed godep restore)

go get
bra run  

will init a change autodetect webserver with angular-cli (ng serve) and also a autodetect and recompile process with bra for the backend

Basic Usage

set config file

# -*- toml -*-

# -------GENERAL SECTION ---------
# syncflux could work in several ways, 
# not all General config parameters works on all modes.
#  modes
#  "hamonitor" => enables syncflux as a daemon to sync 
#                2 Influx 1.X OSS db and sync data between them
#                when needed (does active monitoring )
#  "copy" => executes syncflux as a new process to copy data 
#            between master and slave databases
#  "replicashema" => executes syncflux as a new process to create 
#             the database/s and all its related retention policies 
#  "fullcopy" => does database/rp replication and after does a data copy

 # ------------------------
 # logdir ( only valid on hamonitor action) 
 #  the directory where to place logs 
 #  will place the main log "

 logdir = "./log"

 # ------------------------
 # loglevel ( valid for all actions ) 
 #  set the log level , valid values are:
 #  fatal,error,warn,info,debug,trace

 loglevel = "debug"

 # -----------------------------
 # sync-mode (only valid on hamonitor action)
 #  NOTE: rigth now only  "onlyslave" (one way sync ) is valied
 #  (planned sync in two ways in the future)

 sync-mode = "onlyslave"

 # ---------------------------
 # master-db choose one of the configured InfluxDB as a SlaveDB
 # this parameter will be override by the command line -master parameter
 master-db = "influxdb01"

 # ---------------------------
 # slave-db choose one of the configured InfluxDB as a SlaveDB
 # this parameter will be override by the command line -slave parameter
 slave-db = "influxdb02"

 # ------------------------------
 # check-interval
 # the inteval for health cheking for both master and slave databases
 check-interval = "10s"

 # ------------------------------
 # min-sync-interval
 # the inteval in which HA monitor will check both are ok and change
 # the state of the cluster if not, making all needed recovery actions

 min-sync-interval = "20s"
 # ---------------------------------------------
 # initial-replication
 # tells syncflux if needed some type of replication 
 # on slave database from master database on initialize 
 # (only valid on hamonitor action)
 # none:  no replication
 # schema: database and retention policies will be recreated on the slave database
 # data: data for all retention policies will be replicated 
 #      be carefull: this full data copy could take hours,days.
 # all:  will replicate first the schema and them the full data 

 initial-replication = "none"

 # monitor-retry-durtion 
 # syncflux only can begin work when master and slave database are both up, 
 # if some of them is down synflux will retry infinitely each monitor-retry-duration to work.
 monitor-retry-interval = "1m"

 # data-chuck-duration
 # duration for each small, read  from master -> write to slave, chuck of data
 # smaller chunks of data will use less memory on the syncflux process
 # and also less resources on both master and slave databases
 # greater chunks of data will improve sync speed 

 data-chuck-duration = "60m"

 #  max-retention-interval
 # for infinite ( or bigger ) retention policies full replication should begin somewhere in the time
 # this parameter set the max retention.
 max-retention-interval = "8760h" # 1 year

# ---- HTTP API SECTION (Only valid on hamonitor action)
# Enables an HTTP API endpoint to check the cluster health

 name = "example-http-influxdb"
 bind-addr = ""
 admin-user = "admin"
 admin-passwd = "admin"
 cookie-id = "mysupercokie"

# Sets a list of available DB's that can be used 

Run as a Database replication Tool

./bin/syncflux -action copy -master influx01 -slave influx02 -start -10h end -5h

This command will copy the complete database from influx01 to influx02 from 10h ago to 5 hours ago

Run as a HA Cluster monitor

./bin/syncflux -config ./conf/syncflux.conf -action hamonitor 

syncflux by default search a file syncflux.conf in the CWD/conf/ and syncflux has hamonitor action by default so this last is equivalent to this one


you can check the cluster state with any HTTP client, posibles values are:

  • OK: both nodes are ok
  • CHECK_SLAVE_DOWN: current slave is down
  • RECOVERING: both databases are working but slave leaks some data and syncflux is recovering them
 % curl http://localhost:4090/api/health
  "ClusterState": "CHECK_SLAVE_DOWN",
  "ClusterNumRecovers": 0,
  "ClusterLastRecoverDuration": 0,
  "MasterState": true,
  "MasterLastOK": "2019-04-06T09:45:05.461897766+02:00",
  "SlaveState": false,
  "SlaveLastOK": "2019-04-06T09:44:55.465393243+02:00"

% curl http://localhost:4090/api/health
  "ClusterState": "RECOVERING",
  "ClusterNumRecovers": 0,
  "ClusterLastRecoverDuration": 0,
  "MasterState": true,
  "MasterLastOK": "2019-04-06T10:28:25.459701432+02:00",
  "SlaveState": true,
  "SlaveLastOK": "2019-04-06T10:28:25.55500823+02:00"

% curl http://localhost:4090/api/health
  "ClusterState": "OK",
  "ClusterNumRecovers": 1,
  "ClusterLastRecoverDuration": 2473620691,
  "MasterState": true,
  "MasterLastOK": "2019-04-06T10:28:25.459701432+02:00",
  "SlaveState": true,
  "SlaveLastOK": "2019-04-06T10:28:25.55500823+02:00"


SyncFlux is an Open Source InfluxDB Data syncronization and replication tool for migration purposes or HA clusters







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  • Go 85.2%
  • Shell 14.5%
  • Dockerfile 0.3%