Uncertain Decision Tree Classifier
Celem prac jest implementacja mechanizmu budowania drzew decyzyjnych z danych niepewnych.
- Prace bazowac beda na artykule: Uncertain Decision Tree Classifier for Mobile Context-Aware Computing
- Prace bazowac beda na kodzie: UID3
- Prace powinny implementowac klasyfikator zgodnie z konwencja sklearn
- Prace maja finalnie potwierdzic rownowaznosc implementacji Java i Python (z wylaczeniem sytuacji gdzie wersja Python poprawialaby bledne dzialanie wersji Java)
- Do implementacji polecam wykorzystac framework nbdev
- Implementacja powinna umozliwiac rysowanie drzew z wykorzystaniem graphviz:
- Implementacja powinna umozliwiac eksport drzew do formatu HMR+, ktory zaczytywany jest przez webowy edytor HWED
- Kod powinien byc napisany i udokumentowany zgodnie z PEP8
pip install uid3
from pyuid3.data import Data
from pyuid3.uid3 import UId3
from pyuid3.uncertain_entropy_evaluator import UncertainEntropyEvaluator
data = Data.parse_uarff("../resources/weather.nominal.uncertain.arff")
uid3 = UId3()
tree = uid3.fit(data, entropyEvaluator=UncertainEntropyEvaluator(), depth=0)
instance = data.instances[0]
prediction = uid3.predict(instance)
Please, read the official tutorial first.
- Clone the repository and install requirements.
- Start jupyter notebook in project's folder and open it in your browser.
- Click on New -> Terminal in the right upper corner.
- First, run nbdev_install_git_hooks to avoid conflicts.
- Apply changes to notebooks in ./src folder.
- Build library using nbdev_build_lib command. This will create pyuid3 folder in project's root directory.
- To be able to build documentation you must make sure that previously created pyuid3 folder is also present (and updated!) in ./src directory. Therefore, you should go to .src/ folder and create simlink to pyuid3 by executing the following command: 'ln -s ../pyuid3 pyuid3'. Please, make sure that simlink was created properly. In my case, I have to delete the ./src/pyuid3 folder first (if it already exists) before creating simlink to pyuid3, otherwise it will not be properly updated.
- Now you should be able to build documentation using nbdev_build_docs command. If any errors occured, you have to fix them first. The error we were often facing was caused by nested imports i.e. when class A imports class B, and class B imports class A.
- Commit your changes and push to gitlab to see if the page can be deployed.
- Nested imports (i.e. when class A imports class B, and class B imports class A) are causing errors.
- Some notebooks' documentation is looking different than the others', despite all source notebooks having the same structure. See: Data, DataScrambler, Instance, ParseException, UId3, UncertainEntropyEvaluator.
- In order for UId3 class to be consistent with sklearn estimators, in fit method, Data object 'data' should be split into array-like 'X' and 'y' and then fit should be rewritten as 'fit(X, y)'. Similarly, predict method should take array-like 'X', not Instance object. However, I think these improvements would require many changes not only in algorithm implementation but in the entire project's structure in general.