This is the Akka client for the word-guess game for this coding-dojo of the Scala Vienna User Group:
- SBT 0.13.0
- An IDE (Eclipse, IntelliJ) with Scala support
If you use SBT 0.12.x you have to edit project/plugins.sbt
. Follow instructions there.
Unless stated otherwise by the Dojo facilitator, follow these instructions.
Gather information:
- Find out the IP address of your local machine
- Ask the facilitator the IP address and PORT of the server
Edit the client settings:
- Edit
- Enter the server port in
- Enter the server IP address in
- Enter your IP address in
- Enter an original, but short, player-name for
(e.g. "HomerSimpson")
IMPORTANT: IP-addresses have to be put in double-quotes. Otherwise the configuration lib tries to parse it as a float.
Follow the instructions in WordGuesserClient
and from the facilitator.
Remember: the goal is not to finish but to learn and have fun!
Enjoy the dojo!