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MIRCV's project: SEPP (Search Engine ++)

A C++ program that creates an inverted index structure from a set of text documents and a program that processes queries over such inverted index.

📖 Report avaibile here: report.pdf

Clone the Repository

To clone the repository, use the following command:

git clone --recursive



To ensure the program works on Ubuntu, make sure you have the following dependencies installed:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install build-essential cmake libstemmer-dev libhyperscan-dev

If you're not building on an amd64 (x86) system you may have to install vectorscan in place of hyperscan, on Ubuntu the package to install should be named libvectorscan-dev.


Assuming you have already installed a C++ compiler and the brew packet manager; to compile on MacOS, you need to install the following dependencies:

brew install cmake snowball hyperscan

If you're not building on an amd64 (x86) system, you have to install vectorscan in place of hyperscan.

The CMakeLists.txt file assumes that brew installs its stuff in $(brew --prefix), if your version of brew differs then modify the CMakeLists.txt file accordingly.


Navigate to the project directory and use the following commands:

mkdir build
cd build/
make -j8

you should replace the -j8 flag with the number of cores in your CPU.

On MacOS, if perfidious Apple's clang gives you problems compiling, you should consider installing GNU GCC or a more recent version of clang through brew.

CMake options

Those are the building options:

  • USE_STEMMER used to enable or disable Snowball's stemmer and stopword removal
  • FIX_MSMARCO_LATIN1 used to enable or disable heuristic and encoding fix for certain wronly encoded docs in MSMARCO. If you are not using MSMARCO you should put this flag to OFF (default option is OFF)
  • TEXT_FULL_LATIN1_CASE replaces the ASCII-only lower-case algorithm with a latin1 (a larger subset of utf8) lower-case
  • USE_FAST_LOG replaces the floating point version of log with a faster integer version. It doesn't improve performance by much

Run tests

Go in the build/ directory and use the following command:


If all tests return RUN OK, it means all tests passed successfully.

Build the Index

To read the collection efficiently, use the following command:

time tar -xOzf ../data/collection.tar.gz collection.tsv | ./builder

On MacOS, you may find that GNU's implementation of tar is faster; you can install it with brew --- brew install gnu-tar --- and then replace tar with gtar in the command above.

The use of tar alongside UNIX's pipes, allows the system to decompress the collection in blocks, and keep in the input buffer of only the chunk that's being proccessed at the moment, thus removing the necessity to decompress the file separately and to load it in memory all at once.

Run the Query Processor

To run the query processor, run the following command:

./engine [options] [data]

where [options] are:

  • -b|--batch to run the query processor in batch mode, that is to read queries in the format query_id\tquery_text from stdin, if omitted the programm will accept only the query text from stdin
  • -k|--top-k to specify the number of top documents to return for each query (default is 10)
  • -t|--threads to specify the number of threads to use (default is 1). It is not advisable to use more than one if all chunks are on the same disk
  • -s|--score to specify the scoring function to use for the query processor. The available algorithms are:
    • bm25 to use the BM25 scoring function (default)
    • tfidf to use the TF-IDF scoring function
  • -a|--algorithm to specify the algorithm to use for the query processor. The available algorithms are:
    • daat|daat-disjunctive to use the daat in disjunctive mode (default)
    • daat-c|daat-conjunctive to use the daat in conjunctive mode
    • bmm to use the BMM dynamic programming algorithm
  • -r|--run-name to specify the name of the run (default is MIRCV0)

and [data] is the path to the data directory that contains the files (default is data/)

For example, you can run the query processor in batch mode with the BM25 scoring function and the DAAT algorithm to produce a run file to use with trec_eval with the following command:

time ./engine -b -k20 -r MIRCV-DAAT-BM25-20  < ../../msmarco-test2020-queries.tsv >

Additional Notes


uni's project for Information Retrieval 'n stuff






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Contributors 4
