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bmw9t edited this page Jan 24, 2013 · 9 revisions

"It’s always a good idea to demonstrate to your coworkers that you are capable of withstanding a tremendous amount of pain." – Ron Swanson Ron Swanson

Out of the conversation b/w Claire and Brandon - we have to have some structure, even as we are doing the computational linguistics stuff most important - users upload their own texts and supply their own markings - however many (or few) they want. Maybe just a highlighting without a text name. maybe a way to turn off individual categories but also view them in relation to the whole. store individual markings, make a visualization that relates part to whole. both visualizations at the same time somehow.

Gwen and Brandon conversation Gwen suggests getting it going with Mitch as her main goal - actually getting it out there and used. maybe meet with Mitch and see what it is he wants us to do. Really like to make it a lot prettier. design overhaul. what are we going to do about the languages? continue?

Prism Questions What is the audience and who are the users? better for smaller user groups, pedagogical purposes How could we make it more general or more applicable to other disciplines? Suggestions:

  • other kinds of texts--audio recordings, video, images
  • user-generated tags
  • more flexible platform - open-ended crowdsourcing version
  • make it time-aware or to track the processes people use when marking something up


  • Do we want to work on PRISM?

  • Pros/Cons to starting with an existing project. Will picking up the existing project actually help us create a better product by the end of the year? Will we be able to actually use much of their code even if we do something dramatic like incorporating time-awareness or ability to work with sound/vid files?

  • But... if we like the idea, and we like our ideas about how to extend it, maybe continuing with the idea is still worth it

  • Do we have any OTHER ideas?

  • What is PRISM for?

  • How might crowdsourcing apply across disciplines?

  • pedagogical purposes

  • What would we change about PRISM?

  • user-generated tags

  • how to manage the chaos?

  • better for smaller user groups

  • more flexible platform - open-ended crowd sourcing version.

  • ___Better to think about making the tool more general

  • make prism time-aware

  • not just what people say, but their process... how/when do they mark it up?

  • not just what people think, but why

  • individual user input vs. aggregate

  • other kinds of texts (audio recordings, video, images)

Personal Goals Shane Lin Claire Maiers

  • Develop an awareness of the research possibilities that the digital humanities can offer to the social sciences
  • Know how to foster collaborative relationships with other scholars.
  • Be able to design and maintain a basic professional website

Cecilia Márquez

  • Professional website for networking
  • A basic understanding of html/css
  • Get past my anti-technology tendencies
  • data-mining Gwen Nally
  • Figure out how the internet works
  • Learn more about the digital humanities
  • explore the intersection of DH and philosophy
  • think harder about the “meta” DH questions
  • go to a DH conference
  • build a social media presence
  • Make a beautiful product
  • Blog about it

Chris Peck

  • A website for my work with a realistic maintenance/update strategy

  • Start using LaTeX to format my documents. (With LilyPond for music notation?)

  • Start using vim more consistently.

  • Develop a vim-like interface for a software instrument.

  • Make some musical instruments with the MakerBot. Perhaps starting with a set of tuned whistles? Brandon Walsh

  • Personal website development.

  • Very interested in the technical aspects - html/css, etc (for now at least. We’ll see after Wayne’s bootcamp).

  • Learn more about what DH is and how it can be used to help interdisciplinary conversations.

  • Dance like no one is watching.

Prism Do we want to work on Prism? Pros/Cons to starting with an existing project. Will picking up the existing project actually help us create a better product by the end of the year? Will we be able to actually use much of their code even if we do something dramatic like incorporating time-awareness or ability to work with sound/vid files?

What other sorts of projects might we take up?


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