This is a two player game designed to be run on the Schönherz Mátrix.
There are two players: one on the top and one on the bottom side of the dormitory. They can fire each other, the asteroides and the powerups. If a player is hit by a missile of the other or an asteroide, it will harm him. The harm is visualized on the edge of the scene. Powerups give special abilities to the players for a short time.
Qt 5.12(LTS) or above is recommended
C++ 17 compatible compiler
Gainput(bundled as a submodule)
Build tools for Qt(platform dependent):
- MSVC(Desktop development with C++)/MinGW on Windows
- build-essential on Unix/Linux
On Debian, Ubuntu system, you can easily install the required libs and headers with the libsfml-dev package.
Build SFML using cmake.
Specify SFML_DIR in cmake configuration, this folder contains SFMLConfig.cmake.
Automatically builds before matrix-shooter target.
Build it with cmake, then specify libmueb_DIR to libmueb's cmake output directory.
You will need at least Qt 5.12 to compile this program. (For eg. there is no gamepad support below this version.)
The simplest way to setup your environment is to install Qt Creator. (from qt website)
After cloning this repository with its submodule, compile matrix-shooter project with Qt Creator