Background search indexing using existing worker systems.
$ gem install sunspot-queue
In your Gemfile
gem "sunspot-queue"
gem "resque"
In config/initializers/sunspot.rb
require "sunspot/queue/resque"
backend =
Sunspot.session =, backend)
Start Resque
$ QUEUE=sunspot rake resque:work
In your Gemfile
gem "sunspot-queue"
gem "sidekiq"
In config/initializers/sunspot.rb
require "sunspot/queue/sidekiq"
backend =
Sunspot.session =, backend)
Start Sidekiq
$ sidekiq -q sunspot
In your Gemfile
gem "sunspot-queue"
gem "delayed_job"
gem "delayed_job_active_record" # or choose another backend
In config/initializers/sunspot.rb
require "sunspot/queue/delayed_job"
backend =
Sunspot.session =, backend)
Start Delayed::Job
$ rake jobs:work
In config/initializers/sunspot.rb
Sunspot::Queue.configure do |config|
# Override default job classes
config.index_job = CustomIndexJob
config.removal_job = CustomRemovalJob
The sunspot-queue jobs update the Solr index but those changes don't appear in search results until Solr commits those changes. Solr supports automatically commiting changes based on either the number of changes and / or time between commits.
Add (or uncomment) the following in solrconfig.xml
See Solr's documentation for more information.
- Fork the project.
- Add tests to show the problem or test your feature
- Make your feature addition or bug fix.
- Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.
Please don't make changes to the Rakefile, version, or history.
$ gem install bundler
$ bundle
$ guard
See LICENSE for details.