SCIANTIX is a 0D, open-source code designed to model inert gas behaviour within nuclear fuel at the scale of the grain. The code predominantly employs mechanistic approaches based on kinetic rate-theory models to calculate engineering quantities, such as fission gas release and gaseous fuel swelling. The new SCIANTIX version 2.0 includes several modelling and numerical capabilities.
- Intra/intergranular behaviour of xenon, krypton and helium.
- Radioactive (short-lived xenon and krypton isotopes) gas behaviour.
- UO2 microstructure evolution (e.g., grain growth, high burnup structure porosity evolution).
The code architecture has been revamped, embracing an object-oriented structure improving the overall efficiency and usability. The repository includes the separate-effect validation database, which is used to assess accuracy and predictions of the models.