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More artifacts that are needed to make the gghbb analysis work and ot…
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…her cosmetic things (#30)

* make Nick happy

* egamma-pog scale factor converter

* move kept histograms option to finalize

* opportunistically use pre-calculated values

* pass in a matching function to (arg)match

* deal with TMath::* correctly

* first implementation of factorized jet corrector

* jet resolutions, uncertainties, sfs

* photon id sfs

* growing pains

* all jetmet corrections now function correctly, speed still not what I would like

* done trying to squeeze speed out, try again later

* no need for the 1s array in the returned values for JUNCS

* add jetmet_tools.JetTransformer to apply JECs, etc. in full and decorate outputs

* clean up includes for jec related lookups

* docstrings
  • Loading branch information
lgray authored and nsmith- committed Jan 7, 2019
1 parent 7fa71ca commit 55229ad
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Showing 16 changed files with 1,190 additions and 119 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions fnal_column_analysis_tools/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,5 +33,6 @@
import fnal_column_analysis_tools.lookup_tools
import fnal_column_analysis_tools.analysis_objects
import fnal_column_analysis_tools.striped
import fnal_column_analysis_tools.jetmet_tools

from fnal_column_analysis_tools.version import __version__
205 changes: 164 additions & 41 deletions fnal_column_analysis_tools/analysis_objects/

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

164 changes: 164 additions & 0 deletions fnal_column_analysis_tools/jetmet_tools/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
from ..lookup_tools.jme_standard_function import jme_standard_function
import warnings
import re
import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy
from awkward import JaggedArray

def _checkConsistency(against,tocheck):
if against is None:
against = tocheck
if against != tocheck:
raise Exception('Corrector for {} is mixed'/
'with correctors for {}!'.format(tocheck,against))
return tocheck

_levelre = re.compile('[L1-7]+')
def _getLevel(levelName):
matches = _levelre.findall(levelName)
if len(matches) > 1:
raise Exception('Malformed JEC level name: {}'.format(levelName))
return matches[0]

_level_order = ['L1','L2','L3','L2L3']

class FactorizedJetCorrector(object):
This class is a columnar implementation of the FactorizedJetCorrector tool in
CMSSW and FWLite. It applies a series of JECs in ascending order as defined by
'_level_order', and checks for the consistency of input corrections.
You can use this class as follows:
fjc = FactorizedJetCorrector(name1=corrL1,...)
jetCorrs = fjc(JetParameter1=jet.parameter1,...)
def __init__(self,**kwargs):
You construct a FactorizedJetCorrector by passing in a dict of names and functions.
Names must be formatted as '<campaign>_<dataera>_<datatype>_<level>_<jettype>'.
jettype = None
levels = []
funcs = []
datatype = None
campaign = None
dataera = None
for name,func in kwargs.items():
if not isinstance(func,jme_standard_function):
raise Exception('{} is a {} and not a jme_standard_function!'.format(name,
info = name.split('_')
if len(info) != 5:
raise Exception('Corrector name is not properly formatted!')

campaign = _checkConsistency(campaign,info[0])
dataera = _checkConsistency(dataera,info[1])
datatype = _checkConsistency(datatype,info[2])
jettype = _checkConsistency(jettype,info[4])

if campaign is None:
raise Exception('Unable to determine production campaign of JECs!')
self._campaign = campaign

if dataera is None:
raise Exception('Unable to determine data era of JECs!')
self._dataera = dataera

if datatype is None:
raise Exception('Unable to determine if JECs are for MC or Data!')
self._datatype = datatype

if len(levels) == 0:
raise Exception('No levels provided?')
self._levels = levels
self._funcs = funcs

if jettype is None:
raise Exception('Unable to determine type of jet to correct!')
self._jettype = jettype

for i,level in enumerate(self._levels):
this_level = _getLevel(level)
ord_idx = _level_order.index(this_level)
if i != this_level:
self._levels[i],self._levels[ord_idx] = self._levels[ord_idx],self._levels[i]
self._funcs[i],self._funcs[ord_idx] = self._funcs[ord_idx],self._funcs[i]

#now we setup the call signature for this factorized JEC
self._signature = []
for func in self._funcs:
sig = func.signature
for input in sig:
if input not in self._signature:

def signature(self):
""" list the necessary jet properties that must be input to this function """
return self._signature

def __repr__(self):
out = 'campaign : %s\n'%(self._campaign)
out += 'data era : %s\n'%(self._dataera)
out += 'data type : %s\n'%(self._datatype)
out += 'jet type : %s\n'%(self._jettype)
out += 'levels : %s\n'%(','.join(self._levels))
out += 'signature : (%s)\n'%(','.join(self._signature))
return out

def getCorrection(self,**kwargs):
Returns the set of corrections for all input jets at the highest available level
use like:
jecs = corrector.getCorrection(JetProperty1=jet.property1,...)
subCorrs = self.getSubCorrections(**kwargs)
return subCorrs[-1]

def getSubCorrections(self,**kwargs):
Returns the set of corrections for all input jets broken down by level
use like:
jecs = corrector.getSubCorrections(JetProperty1=jet.property1,...)
'jecs' will be formatted like [[jec_jet1 jec_jet2 ...] ...]
localargs = kwargs
firstarg = localargs[self._signature[0]]
cumulativeCorrection = 1.0
offsets = None
if isinstance(firstarg,JaggedArray):
offsets = firstarg.offsets
cumulativeCorrection = firstarg.ones_like().content
for key in localargs.keys():
localargs[key] = localargs[key].content
cumulativeCorrection = np.ones_like(firstarg)
corrVars = []
if 'JetPt' in localargs.keys():
if 'JetE' in localargs.keys():
if len(corrVars) == 0:
raise Exception('No variable to correct, need JetPt or JetE in inputs!')
corrections = []
for i,func in enumerate(self._funcs):
sig = func.signature
args = []
for input in sig:
corr = func(*tuple(args))
for var in corrVars:
localargs[var] *= corr
cumulativeCorrection *= corr
if offsets is not None:
for i in range(len(corrections)):
corrections[i] = JaggedArray.fromoffsets(offsets,corrections[i])
return corrections
130 changes: 130 additions & 0 deletions fnal_column_analysis_tools/jetmet_tools/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
from ..lookup_tools.jec_uncertainty_lookup import jec_uncertainty_lookup
import warnings
import re
import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy
from awkward import JaggedArray

def _checkConsistency(against,tocheck):
if against is None:
against = tocheck
if against != tocheck:
raise Exception('Corrector for {} is mixed'/
'with correctors for {}!'.format(tocheck,against))
return tocheck

_levelre = re.compile('Uncertainty')
def _getLevel(levelName):
matches = _levelre.findall(levelName)
if len(matches) != 1:
raise Exception('Malformed JUNC level name: {}'.format(levelName))
return matches[0]

_level_order = ['Uncertainty']

class JetCorrectionUncertainty(object):
This class is a columnar implementation of the JetCorrectionUncertainty tool in
CMSSW and FWLite. It calculates the jet energy scale uncertainty for a corrected jet
in a given binning.
You can use this class as follows:
jcu = JetCorrectionUncertainty(name1=corrL1,...)
jetUncs = jcu(JetParameter1=jet.parameter1,...)
def __init__(self,**kwargs):
You construct a JetCorrectionUncertainty by passing in a dict of names and functions.
Names must be formatted as '<campaign>_<dataera>_<datatype>_<level>_<jettype>'.
jettype = None
levels = []
funcs = []
datatype = None
campaign = None
dataera = None
for name,func in kwargs.items():
if not isinstance(func,jec_uncertainty_lookup):
raise Exception('{} is a {} and not a jec_uncertainty_lookup!'.format(name,
info = name.split('_')
if len(info) != 5:
raise Exception('Corrector name is not properly formatted!')

campaign = _checkConsistency(campaign,info[0])
dataera = _checkConsistency(dataera,info[1])
datatype = _checkConsistency(datatype,info[2])
jettype = _checkConsistency(jettype,info[4])

if campaign is None:
raise Exception('Unable to determine production campaign of JECs!')
self._campaign = campaign

if dataera is None:
raise Exception('Unable to determine data era of JECs!')
self._dataera = dataera

if datatype is None:
raise Exception('Unable to determine if JECs are for MC or Data!')
self._datatype = datatype

if len(levels) == 0:
raise Exception('No levels provided?')
self._levels = levels
self._funcs = funcs

if jettype is None:
raise Exception('Unable to determine type of jet to correct!')
self._jettype = jettype

for i,level in enumerate(self._levels):
this_level = _getLevel(level)
ord_idx = _level_order.index(this_level)
if i != this_level:
self._levels[i],self._levels[ord_idx] = self._levels[ord_idx],self._levels[i]
self._funcs[i],self._funcs[ord_idx] = self._funcs[ord_idx],self._funcs[i]

#now we setup the call signature for this factorized JEC
self._signature = []
for func in self._funcs:
sig = func.signature
for input in sig:
if input not in self._signature:

def signature(self):
""" list the necessary jet properties that must be input to this function """
return self._signature

def __repr__(self):
out = 'campaign : %s\n'%(self._campaign)
out += 'data era : %s\n'%(self._dataera)
out += 'data type : %s\n'%(self._datatype)
out += 'jet type : %s\n'%(self._jettype)
out += 'levels : %s\n'%(','.join(self._levels))
out += 'signature : (%s)\n'%(','.join(self._signature))
return out

def getUncertainty(self,**kwargs):
Returns the set of uncertainties for all input jets at the highest available level
use like:
juncs = uncertainty.getUncertainty(JetProperty1=jet.property1,...)
'juncs' will be formatted like [[[up_val down_val]_jet1 ... ] ...]
uncs = []
for i,func in enumerate(self._funcs):
sig = func.signature
args = []
for input in sig:
return uncs[-1]

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