- #280 Add docker-compose.yml to hack seyren (start containers with Mongodb, Graphite, Collectd)
- #277 Do not hard coded number of execution threads
- #274 Allow log level to be set via environment variable
- Include from- and to-type in Slack notification - commit
- Add check description to Slack messages, if present - commit
- Should've read the Slack docs about channel mentions by bots - commit
- Allow channel notifications in Slack alerts by suffixing the channel name with an exclamation mark - commit
- #267 Rework Slack notifications to be more succinct
- #261 Allow checks to specify whether no data should appear as OK
- Better late than never for some CheckRunner tests - commit
- Update dependencies - commit - commit
- #245 #249 #278 PagerDuty refactoring
- #246 Set check state to ERROR during a subscription test is fired
- #239 Add api documentation
- #236 Upgrade to bootstrap 3.0.2
- #66 Add 'Time Ago' Column