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Adapper is a library that simplifies and streamlines the task of mapping collections of data to views that display that data.


Adapper allows you to create Adapters for use with Android's RecyclerView with minimal effort. Implementation requires only a small handful of constructors and methods that define the dataset and how it binds to an individual view. Adapper handles the rest, including: mapping position within the dataset to position within the RecyclerView; tracking additions, subtractions, and reorderings; sorting and grouping the data; driving a single ReyclerView with multiple adapters; tracking selections; and more.


compile 'com.scopely:adapper:1.0.0'


Adapper requires no setup or initialization before use. Adapters created with Adapper can be instantiated when needed and used on regular RecyclerViews without modification.


Adapper is fairly straightforward to use. ReyclerViews can be created in Java or in XML as normal. The user can then create an instance of an Adapper and callRecyclerView#setAdapter(adapper)


BaseAdapper is the core class of the Adapper library. It directly extends RecyclerView.Adapter and is itself subclassed by several different Adappers depending on the type of data and presentation desired.


ListAdapper is the most basic and straightforward of the Adappers. It is parameterized in two variables: Model which is the class type of the data, and GenericView which is the class type of the View the adapter will provide to the RecyclerView. Its constructor requires only two parameters: a List<Model> and a ViewProvider<Model, GenericView>.


The ViewProvider interface is required as a parameter by several of the Adappers. Unless you have specific reason to roll your own, it is recommended you use the ViewProviderImpl implementation. Under the hood the ViewProviderImpl is managing inflation of layouts, creation of ViewHolders, and communicating to the Adapter how to recycle its view types. Creating a new instance of ViewProviderImpl is as simple as passing all possible layouts into its constructor: and then implementing two methods:

ViewProvider<Model, GenericView> provider = new ViewProviderImpl<Model, GenericView>(R.layout.layout_1, R.layout.layout_2) {
    public int getViewType(Model model) {
        if (some_condition) {
            return R.layout.layout_1;
        } else {
            return R.layout.layout_2;

    protected void bind(GenericView view, Model model, int position, SelectionManager* selectionManager) {

The first method tells the Adapter which layout to provide for a given instance of Model and the latter binds the data in that instance to an instance of the layout.

*You may have noticed the class SelectionManager. This is covered in the Selection section down below


A common use case for visual lists of data is to sort them into sections and provide a header that accompanies each section. GroupableAdapper handles this case and is nearly as easy to instantiate as ListAdapper. Like ListAdapper it takes a List<Model> and a ViewProvider<Model, GenericView>, but it also takes a GroupComparator<Model, Group> and a ViewProvider<Group, GroupView>. The former tells the GroupAdapper how to sort the list of data and divide it into sections, and the latter provides the views for the section headers.


GroupComparator, like ViewProvider, has a recommended implementation GroupComparatorImpl. It requires three methods be implemented:

public Group getGroup(Model item) {
    return item.getGroup();
protected int groupCompare(Group lhs, Group rhs) {
    return lhs.compareTo(rhs);
protected int itemCompare(Model lhs, Model rhs) {
    return lhs.compareTo(rhs);

The first simply returns the section or group in which the provided instance of Model belongs. The latter two methods follow the contract of Comparator#compare(), returning 0 for equality, < 0 for comparisons where lhs is less than rhs, and > 0 otherwise.


CursorAdapper works much like ListAdapper. Instead of providing a List<Model> however, the implementer provides a Cursor pointed at a database table as well as a single function MiniOrm<Model> object that can generate a Model object out of an entry in a query result. CursorAdapper itself will take care of making sure the Cursor is positioned correctly before it is passed into MiniOrm#getObject()


MiniOrm<String> miniOrm = new MiniOrm<String>() {
public String getObject(Cursor c) {
	return c.getString(c.getColumnIndex("name"))


RecursiveAdapper allows you to place other Adappers inside it. It handles all the internal delegating of calls to the appropriate child given the position in the RecyclerView, including adjusting the position it passes to the child Adapper. The child Adapper requires no knowledge of the fact that it is being wrapped and delegated to, and thus any Adapper can be placed into a RecursiveAdapper, allowing for lists to be built in a decoupled and modular way.


This Adapper wraps a single, pre-inflated, view in the trappings of BaseAdapper. The common use case for this Adapper is to place a semi-complex view hierarchy in between two other Adappers in a parent RecursiveAdapper.


Many of the Adappers implement Filterable, but require a small bit of additional code to make operable. ListAdapper and GroupableAdapper can take a FilterFunction object, and CursorAdapper can take a FilterQueryProvider object to complete the circuit* as seen below:

adapper.setFilterFunction(new FilterFunction<String>() {
    public boolean filter(String item, @Nullable CharSequence constraint) {
        return constraint == null || item.contains(constraint);
adapper.setFilterQueryProvider(new FilterQueryProvider() {
    public Cursor runQuery(CharSequence constraint) {
        if(constraint != null && constraint.length() > 0){
            return db.query("name", null, "name LIKE '%"+constraint.toString()+"%'", null, null, null, null);
        } else {
             return db.query("name", null, null, null, null, null, null);

*RecursiveAdapper does no filtering of its own, but will return a composite Filter built from the Filters of its children if getFilter() is called on it


One thing that ListView came with out of the box that RecyclerView didn't carry over was the concept of tracking clicks and selections within the list. RecyclerView is cleaner in this sense, as there is no "magic behavior" with how the view handles touch events, but it does require that selections be managed separately from the RecyclerView. The most appropriate place to track selections is within the Adapter itself, and Adapper provides BaseAdapper#setSelectionManager(SelectionManager selectionManager) in order to enable this functionality. This SelectionManager will be passed through to ViewProvider's onBind method, where it can be hooked in to the provided view:

protected void bind(GenericView view, Model model, int position, SelectionManager selectionManager) {
    view.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {
            selectionManager.selectItem(position, !selectionManager.isItemSelected(position));

SelectionManager also includes void clear() and List<Model> getSelections() methods, both of which can be accessed from BaseAdapper (the call on BaseAdapper will delegate to the BaseAdapper's SelectionManager). A null SelectionManager in BaseAdapper will disable all selection functionality. There are two provided SelectionManager implementations:


RadioSelectManager allows for a single selection at a time. Selecting a new item will clear the previous selection.


MultiSelectManager allows for multiple items to be selected, up to a provided cap. If the user tries to select more than the set maximum, the SelectionManager#setSelected(int position, boolean selected) method will return false, and the MultiSelectManager#onMaximumExceeded(int maximumSelectable) method will be called.


SelectionManagers rely on Adapter#getItemId(int position) to track selections. A Bidentifier is a simple bi-directional identifier, and extends Identifier and Lookup (one for each direction). Most Adappers will instantiate a Bidentifier by default (either a naive implementation, or one that delegates to the Bidentifier of the appropriate child in the case of RecursiveAdapper and GroupableAdapper), but default implementations can be overriden by calling BaseAdapper#setBidentifier(Bidentifier bidentifier). CursorAdapper in particular lacks a default implementation, and requires a CursorIdentifier and a CursorLookup in its constructor, which it will then wrap with a Bidentifier internally.


Identifier maps a position in a list to the ID of the item presently at that position. It has a naive implementation, HashCodeIdentifier, which simply returns the hashcode of the object at Adapter#getItem(int position)


Lookup maps an ID to the object for which that ID applies. The API exposes a Set -> Set mapping instead of a singular ID -> Object mapping to enable more efficient bulk lookups such as querying from a database. It has a naive implementation NaiveLookup that simply iterates over an adapter and does a comparison with getItemId(int position)


RecyclerView determines how to layout its child views based on its LayoutManager. By default RecyclerViews will use a LinearLayoutManager, but the support library also includes GridLayoutManager for creating layouts that have multiple views per row, similar to the old GridView. GridLayoutManager takes an optional SpanSizeLookup object that allows you to specify how many "cells" in the grid a given view takes up. Adapper provides classes that extend SpanSizeLookup that make the task of creating full width headers and other related tasks simpler.

InvertedSpanSizeLookup spanSizeLookup = new InvertedSpanSizeLookup(1, 5, 10) {
    public int getItemsPerRow(int position) {
        if (adapter.isGroup(position)) {
            return 1;
        } else {
            if (some_condition) {
                return 5;
            } else {
                return 10;
GridLayoutManager manager = new GridLayoutManager(context, spanSizeLookup.getRequiredSpans());

Tracking Data Changes

The old BaseAdapter, which paired with ListView, contained BaseAdapter#notifyDatasetChanged(). RecyclerView's Adapter has maintained this method, but has also added a number of methods to notify the Adapter of insertions, deletions, and movements within the dataset. These methods will trigger RecyclerView's animation functions, whereas notifyDatasetChanged() will cause the RecyclerView to reflect the new state of the dataset with no transition animations. BaseAdapper includes an update() method that computes all of the insertions, deletions, and reorderings, and then calls the appropriate notification methods. It is as easy to use as the old notifyDatesetChanged() while keeping animation functions enabled.


Dapper adapters for Android






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