Sluz is a minimalistic PHP templating engine with an emphasis on
syntax similar to Smarty. This allows
you to separate your logic (.php
) and your presentation (.stpl
The goal of Sluz is to be a small, single PHP source file, that emulates simple Smarty-like syntax.
File: script.php
$s = new sluz();
$s->assign("name", "Jason");
$s->assign("version", "0.3");
print $s->fetch("tpls/script.stpl");
File: tpls/script.stpl
<h1>Hello {$name}</h1>
<div>Welcome to Sluz version: {$version}</div>
Sluz has no external library requirements. Only the sluz.class.php
needed for the library to function.
Sluz has an extensive test suite that is used to verify compatibility across PHP versions. As of this writing Sluz passes all unit tests on PHP versions: 8.0, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, and 8.4.
To run the tests issue this command at the CLI:
php unit_tests/tests.php
Note: Care was take to ensure that no E_NOTICE
warnings are emitted
to insure Sluz is error_reporting(E_ALL)
There is extensive documentation in the docs/
with real world examples of the syntax.
Sluz is pronounced "sloos". The name comes from the "S" in Smarty and "luz" which is Spanish for light. Sluz is a lite, Smarty-like templating system.