Composite XSPEC model, consisting of a disc geometry as in AGNSED (Kubota & Done 2018) and an additional outflow component giving an additional thermal re-processor component and reflected component. If you use this in your work please reference Hagen & Done (2022, submitted).
- Working installation of Heasoft (including XSPEC!) This has been tested on Heasoft v.6.29 and v.6.30, with XSPEC v.12.12.0 and v.12.12.1
- Clone this repository (or just download the source code. You'll need the agnref.f and agnref.dat files)
- cd into the src directore (or if you've put the relevant file somewhere else cd into there).
- Open xspec
- Run:
initpackage agnref agnref.dat .
in xspec (this will compile the code) - Now load the model with:
lmod agnref .
in xspec
If you don't want to type lmod everytime you open xspec, you can cd into ~/.xspec and edit/create and xspec.rc file. In this file put the line
lmod agnref /path/to/agnref
Xspec will now load the model automatically upon opening
For a full descripton see section 4.3 in Hagen & Done (in prep.). However, briefly: The model considers a geometry as outlined in Kubota & Done (2018) for AGNSED (i.e a standard outer disc, a warm Comptonizing region where the disc fails to thermalise, and a hot Comptonizing corona giving the X-ray emission). We then also consider a bi-conical outflow, which gives a reflected component (modeled with rdblur*pexmon (Fabian et al 1989; Nandra et al 2007)), and a re-processed thermal component (modelled with bbody). The relative normalisations of these components are set by the fraction of X-ray power intercepted by the outflow.
Par 1 : Mass - Black hole mass in solar masses
Par 2 : Dist - Co-Moving distance in Mpc
Par 3 :
Par 4 : astar - Dimensionless black hole spin
Par 5 : cos_inc - cosine of the inclination angle, measured from z-axis with the disc in the x-y plane
Par 6 : kTe_hot - Electron temperature of hot Comptonisation region in keV - if negative, then only returns hot Compton component
Par 7 : kTe_warm - Electron temperature of warm Comtonisation region in keV - if negative, then only returns warm Compton component
Par 8 : gamma_hot - Photon index for hot Comptonisation region
Par 9 : gamma_warm - Photon index for warm Comptonisation region - if negative, then only returns the outer disc component
Par 10 : r_hot - Outer radius of hot Comptonisation region in Rg
Par 11 : r_warm - Outer radius of warm Comptonisation region in Rg
Par 12 : log_rout - Outer radius of the outer disc in Rg - If negative, then uses the self-gravity radius, calculated as in Laor and Netzer (1989)
Par 13 : hmax - Scale height of the corona in Rg
Par 14 : fcov - Covering fraction of the outflow, as seen by the black hole, in
Par 15 : kT_wind - Black-body temperature of wind/outflow component in keV
Par 16 : Awind - Albedo of wind/outflow
Par 17 : inc_blue - flag, 1=>include blurring of reflected component (using rdblur), 2=>no blurring
Par 18 : rin_blur - Convineince parameter. Comes from the way rdblur is written (assumes a standard disc in Keplerian orbit). Needed to determine the 'amount' of blurring
Par 19 : Redshift
par 20 : Normalisation - should be fixed to 1!! - The code calculates energetics self-consistently