Automates configuration of a jenkins agent using ansible.
Make sure Ubuntu(currently supported platform) is up and running in the target agent
and is connected to the same network with the control node.
git clone
Set target by configuring the [agents] section inside ./inventory
Make sure to point to correct IP address of the target machine
and connection through ssh using the specified fields is possible:
, ansible_password
, ansible_become_password
Additionally, replace fields in group_vars/all according to setup.
Currently supported fields are:
- agent_user
- agent_password
- agent_home
- agent_user_file
- agent_password_file
- agent_name
- agent_label
- agent_executors
- master_ip
- master_user
- master_pass
- master_user_file
- master_pass_file
- jenkins_plugin_dir
$ ansible-playbook -i inventory playbooks/setup_node.yaml \[-vvv\]
After succesful jenkins and jenkins_swarm_client install, reboot target system.
Execute then the following playbook to install additional utilities:
$ ansible-playbook -i inventory playbooks/configure_agent.yaml \[-vvv\]