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Releases: sdv-dev/SDMetrics

v0.18.0 - 2024-12-13

13 Dec 21:42
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Bugs Fixed

  • Missing whitespace in DisclosureProtection warning - Issue #694 by @frances-h
  • DisclosureProtection should be NaN if baseline score is zero - Issue #693 by @frances-h
  • CategoricalCAP metric returns 0 if no overlap in known fields - Issue #692 by @frances-h

New Features

v0.17.1 - 2024-12-04

04 Dec 23:11
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Bugs Fixed

  • InterRowMSAS ignores sequences with missing values - Issue #679 by @fealho
  • Improve error handling for datetime values when apply_log = True for InterRowMSAS - Issue #672 by @fealho
  • Improve warning handling for non-positive values when apply_log = True for InterRowMSAS - Issue #670 by @fealho
  • StatisticMSAS raises undesirable FutureWarning - Issue #665 by @fealho
  • KSComplement can be unstable for constant float values - Issue #652 by @fealho

v0.17.0 - 2024-11-14

15 Nov 02:33
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This release adds a number of Multi-Sequence Aggregate Similarity (MSAS) metrics!

Bugs Fixed

  • Relocate timeseries metrics modules - Issue #661 by @fealho
  • Fix SequenceLengthSimilarity docstrings - Issue #660 by @fealho
  • When running Quality Report, ContingencySimilarity produces a RuntimeWarning (The values in the array are unorderable.) - Issue #656 by @R-Palazzo

New Features

  • Add metric for inter-row MSAS - Issue #640 by @fealho
  • Add metric for general MSAS statistics - Issue #639 by @fealho
  • Add metric for sequence length similarity - Issue #638 by @fealho

v0.16.0 - 2024-09-25

25 Sep 18:46
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This release improves the performance of the contingency_similarity metric. It also factors dtypes into the score of the TableStructure metric.


  • Try to improve performance of contingency_similarity - Issue #622 by @amontanez24

New Features

  • Add dtype comparison in TableStructure metric (used in Diagnostic report) - Issue #631 by @R-Palazzo

v0.15.1 - 2024-08-13

13 Aug 21:45
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Bugs Fixed

  • X-axis for the bar plot should be labeled Value instead of Category - Issue #620 by @R-Palazzo
  • LinAlgError when plotting data that is constant - Issue #616 by @R-Palazzo
  • Wrong chart title when generating a box plot for just the real data using get_column_pair_plot() - Issue #615 by @R-Palazzo

New Features

  • Better error message when passing an SDV Metadata object - Issue #610 by @R-Palazzo
  • Check that every property score are index-free - Issue #583 by @R-Palazzo

v0.15.0 - 2024-07-15

15 Jul 14:22
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This release adds support for NumPy 2.0! Additionally, the visualization utilities no longer require both real and synthetic data to be provided, and they can now be used to visualize only real or only synthetic data.


  • Switch to using ruff for Python linting and code formatting - Issue #536 by @gsheni
  • Change job names in integration workflow to "integration" - Issue #577 by @rwedge
  • Cap numpy to less than 2.0.0 until SDMetrics supports - Issue #591 by @gsheni


  • Switch to using ruff for Python linting and code formatting - Issue #536 by @gsheni

New Features

  • Allow me to visualize just the real or synthetic data - Issue #581 by @lajohn4747
  • Update Referential Integrity metric to support NaNs in child column - Issue #587 by @R-Palazzo
  • Add support for numpy 2.0.0 - Issue #593 by @R-Palazzo

Bugs Fixed

  • ColumnPairTrends score depends on the data index - Issue #582 by @R-Palazzo
  • Datetime columns set to Object pandas dtype breaks LSTMDetection - Issue #584 by @fealho

v0.14.1 - 2024-05-13

13 May 19:27
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This release patches a bug on the LSTMDetection metric.

Bugs Fixed

  • LSTMDetection metric crashes when there are multiple context columns - Issue #298 by @frances-h


  • Cleanup automated PR workflows - Issue #566 by @R-Palazzo
  • Only run unit and integration tests on oldest and latest python versions for macos - Issue #569 by @R-Palazzo

v0.14.0 - 2024-04-11

11 Apr 20:28
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This release adds support for Python 3.12! It also improves the way the reports print in verbose mode.


New Features

  • Improve readability of the report scores when verbosity is on - Issue #538 by @lajohn4747

v0.13.1 - 2024-03-14

14 Mar 16:35
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  • Transition from using to pyroject.toml to specify project metadata - Issue #534 by @lajohn4747
  • Remove bumpversion and use bump-my-version - Issue #535 by @R-Palazzo
  • Add support for Copulas 0.10 - Issue #541 by @amontanez24

v0.13.0 - 2023-12-04

04 Dec 19:06
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This release makes significant improvements to the Diagnostic Reports! The report now runs a diagnostic to calculate scores for three basic but important properties of your data: data validity, data structure and in the multi table case, relationship validity. Data validity checks that the columns of your data are valid (eg. correct range or values). Data structure makes sure the synthetic data has the correct columns. Relationship validity checks to make sure key references are correct and the cardinality is within ranges seen in the real data. These changes are meant to make the DiagnosticReport a quick way for you to see if there are any major problems with your synthetic data.

Additionally, some general improvements were made and bugs were resolved. The LogisticDetection and SVCDetection metrics were fixed to only use boolean, categorical, datetime and numeric columns in their calculations. A bug that prevented visualizations from displaying on Jupyter notebooks was patched. The cardinality property in the multi table QualityReport can now handle multiple foreign keys to the same parent. Finally, a new visualization was added for sequential/timeseries data called get_column_line_plot.

New Features

  • Detection metrics should only use statistically modeled columns (filter out the rest) - Issue #286 by @lajohn4747
  • Add visualization for timeseries / sequential data - Issue #376 by @lajohn4747
  • Multi table quality report should handle multi-foreign keys (to same parent) - Issue #406 by @R-Palazzo
  • Add KeyUniqueness metric - Issue #460 by @R-Palazzo
  • Add ReferentialIntegrity metric - Issue #461 by @R-Palazzo
  • Add CategoryAdherence metric - Issue #462 by @R-Palazzo
  • Add TableFormat metric - Issue #463 by @R-Palazzo
  • Add CardinalityBoundaryAdherence metric - Issue #464 by @frances-h
  • Add DataValidity property - Issue #467 by @R-Palazzo
  • Add Structure property - Issue #468 by @R-Palazzo
  • Add Relationship Validity property - Issue #469 by @R-Palazzo
  • Update DiagnosticReport to calculate base correctness of synthetic data - Issue #471 by @R-Palazzo
  • Update the synthetic data that's available for the multi-table demo - Issue #501 by @R-Palazzo
  • Update the synthetic data that's available for the single-table demo - Issue #502 by @R-Palazzo
  • Update TableFormat metric to TableStructure + fix its computation - Issue #518 by @R-Palazzo

Bugs Fixed

  • Sometimes graphs don't show when using Jupyter notebook - Issue #322 by @pvk-developer
  • Fix ReferentialIntegrity NaN handling - Issue #494 by @R-Palazzo
  • KeyUniqueness metric should only be applied to primary and alternate keys - Issue #503 by @R-Palazzo
  • Single table Structure property should not have visualization - Issue #504 by @R-Palazzo
  • Multi table Structure property visualization has incorrect styling - Issue #505 by @R-Palazzo
  • UserWarning: KeyError: 'relationships' in DiagnosticReport if metadata missing relationships - Issue #506 by @R-Palazzo
  • Report validate method should be private - Issue #507 by @R-Palazzo
  • ValueError in DiagnosticReport if synthetic data does not match metadata - Issue #508 by @R-Palazzo
  • Check if QualityReport needs the synthetic data to match the metadata - Issue #509 by @R-Palazzo
  • Running single table report on multi table data (or vice versa) results in confusing error - Issue #510 by @R-Palazzo
  • Add metadata validation - Issue #526 by @R-Palazzo