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A drop-in single file javascript tool for creating your own interactive questionnaires.


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Generate HTML & PDF


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What can this module do?

With this module, you can create simple HTML quizzes (questionnaires) with single- or multiplechoice questions by

  • providing HTML with custom tags (HTML5)
  • and including a single JavaScript file

There is also a module for Scribble (the Racket documentation tool), which not only generates the correct HTML, but also printable LaTex code in a custom location with the solutions as rotated text.

How to use

JavaScript module

Demo | Source

In order to use the JavaScript module, one only needs to create HTML in the correct format and include the script somewhere on the page:

<!-- prevent questionnaire from showing up if there is no javascript enabled-->
<noscript><style>questionnaire { display: none; }</style></noscript>
<!-- warning for user - feel free to leave out or customize -->
<noscript><div>Enable JavaScript to see the quiz</div></noscript>

<questionnaire language="en | de"><!-- language is optional, default is English -->
  <question type="singlechoice | multiplechoice"><!-- type is optional, will be inferred from number of solutions otherwise -->
    Question Text
      Wrong Answer Text
      <explanation>Explanation Text</explanation>
      Correct answer text
      <!-- explanation is optional -->
    <!-- etc.. -->
  <!-- etc. ... -->

<!-- somewhere else in the same document -->
<script src="questionnaire.js"></script>


Demo | Source

Copy the Scribble-Plugin and the JavaScript-Plugin (questionnaire.rkt and questionnaire.js) to your source folder and import it with

@(require "questionnaire.rkt")

You can generate your questions much in the same style as in the HTML document. The @q helper does not change the input, but enables you to use content notation while producing a racket argument (more on that here).

@questionnaire[#:language "en" @; or "de" (optional, default: "en")
    "Question Text"
    @solution{correct answer}
    @distractor{wrong answer}
    #:type "multiplechoice" @; or "singlechoice" (optional, inferred otherwise)
    @q{Question Text with some @italic{formatting}}

    @solution{correct answer}
    @explanation{optional explanation for correct answer}

    @distractor{wrong answer}

    @explanation{optional explanation for wrong answer}
    @solution{another correct solution}

Whether a question is multiple- or singlechoice is automatically inferred by the JavaScript PlugIn depending on the number of solutions. If you want to manually set the mode instead, you can give @question a #:type keyword argument of either "singlechoice" or "multiplechoice".

For your questions to show up in a PDF, you need to specify where they should be rendered.

  • A simple @texquestions[] renders the last @questionnaire that was defined above it. If @texquestions[] is not called, the code for generating the latex for a question will not be run.
  • Using this several times will produce a warning, which can be safely ignored (WARNING: collected information for key multiple times: '(QuestionnaireDefaultQuestionnaire #t);)
  • If you have several questionnaires and want to e.g. move them to a separate section at the end, you need to specify a key as a keyword argument to both commands: @texquestions[#:key "intro"] renders what has been defined in @questionnaire[#:key "intro" ...].

There are also some styling options for the LaTex output that can be passed as keyword arguments to @texquestions:

  • #:texsolutionstyle Where the solution is added:
    • "margin" (default) in the margin beside the questions
    • "inline" below the questions
  • #:explain Whether to include explanations in the solution (default: #t)

The @pdf-note{}-helper is a @margin-note{} that only shows up when the render target is latex/pdf.

Customizing Styles

The CSS style sheet (src/ressources/style.css) is mainly concerned with layout and color. The content and typography of questions, answers and explanations are left as-is as far as possible, only the font size of the question is changed.

The style sheet is added to the head of the HTML document. The containing styles are all scoped to the questionnaire element.

  • In order to overwrite styles or CSS variables, you need to either define them after the stylesheet (i.e. in a <style> tag somewhere in your document, but outside of the questionnaire) and be at least as specific, or be more specific (e.g. by giving the questionnaire a class).Adding a class to a question, answer or explanation will not work, since these elements are destroyed and recreated during the processing of the questionnaire!

  • Colors are defined via CSS Variables so that they can be changed more easily. For a full list of variables, refer to the source at src/ressources/style.css, as it may change between versions.

For an instructive example, see the source of the HTML demo page.



For the JavaScript module, TypeScript is required. Once you have nodejs installed, you can simply run npm install -g typescript.

For the Scribble module, you need to have Racket installed. For PDF-Generation, you also need to have LaTex installed, more specifically on Linux Systems the texlive-extra and texlive-fonts-extra packages, on Mac Systems via the Homebrew-Installer texlive. Note that on MacOS, you need to run raco scribble instead of scribble to compile documents (works fine with linux, too, and is the default in the provided scripts).

For the time being, this repository uses bash for helper scripts, which should work fine on Linux and Mac Systems, for Windows users an emulator like Cygwin or Mingw should do.

Compilation and Targets

Executing tsc in project root creates the single-file drop-in questionnaire module from the src folder.

Because the goal is to provide on single JavaScript file, Styles and SVG icons are provided as String ressources in ressources.ts. This module is generated from the contents of the ressources folder (style.css and the svg-files in the icons folder) by running So any changes in those files are only applied after running this script!

For ease of use, there is also a Makefile, so you can simply run

  • make all to bundle ressources and compile the JavaScript plugin, and
  • make test to execute the tests - currently this only compiles a scribble test document in pdf and html


  • questionnaire-test.html loads the JavaScript plugin into a plain HTML page.
  • error-fail-testcase.html demonstrates what happens if you provide incorrect HTML
  • Executing make test or running in the scribble-plugin folder tests the Scribble plugin and generates PDF- and HTML output.



CSS named colors list

CSS Flexbox guide

Scribble etc

Overview of Scribble Document Types - Everything Scribble-Related should be in the same documentation.

Racket Documentation about Pairs and Lists - for anything else it should suffice to enter the function name into the search box.

Variable Arity Expressions in Racket

Keyword Arguments in Racket

For moving document parts around in Scribble, see e.g. the delayed block documentation. Saving stuff in a LaTex variable and accessing it later is impossible because the Top Scribble Document Element needs to be a block, which translates Custom Latex Properties to an environment, which cannot generate a \def\variable{} command.

MacOS Support

  • Running raco scribble instead of scribble