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Repository files navigation


ProjectRoot/ │ ├── ApiLayer/ # API controllers and services │ ├── Controllers/ │ ├── Program.cs │ ├── Startup.cs │ └── appsettings.json │ ├── BusinessLayer/ # Business logic services │ └── Services/ │ └── UserService.cs │ ├── DataAccessLayer/ # Entity Framework DbContext and migrations │ ├── Migrations/ │ ├── ApplicationDbContext.cs │ └── IRepository.cs │ ├── EntitiesLayer/ # Database and business model classes │ ├── User.cs │ └── Meeting.cs │ ├── PresentationLayer/ # UI components (Angular or MVC) │ ├── Angular/ # Angular project files │ └── MVC/ # MVC project files │ ├── Controllers/ │ ├── Views/ │ └── wwwroot/ │ ├── docker/ # Docker-related files │ ├── Dockerfile │ └── docker-compose.yml │ ├── .gitignore # Git ignore settings └── # Project documentation