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E-Commerce API by HTMLephants

An E-Commerce API with user authentication, and product & purchase resources. Some actions such as update/delete are restricted to owners of those resources. Comment resources are also available as subdocuments for products.

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Development Plan

This project was planned using Jira. MVP user stories were established and given story points. We completed stories in daily sprints using Scrum.

Each team-member worked off git feature branches, and pushed to the dev branch on feature completion. Changes were reviewed and pulled up to the main branch before deployment.

The data is stored in a document database (MongoDB) due to it's relative simplicity. The back-end routes and schemas are viewable here.

User Stories

  • A user should be able to login/signup
  • A user should be able to purchase a product.
  • A user should be able to see all their purchases.
  • A user should be able to update/delete their purchases.
  • An admin should be able to create a product.
  • An admin should be able to update/delete products.

Technologies Used


  • React
  • HTML/CSS/Javascript
  • Bootstrap


  • Node.js
  • Express
  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose
  • MongoDB Atlas
  • Heroku

Future Development

  • User image upload forum with likes
  • Product image uploads with multer
  • Comments/Ratings on products
  • Comments on purchases (for customer support)

Entity Relationship Diagram

Planning ERD and Wireframe


Request URL Function
GET /purchases Index of all purchases
GET /purchases-user Index of user's purchases
GET /purchases/:id Show one purchase
POST /purchases Create purchase
PATCH /purchases/:id Update purchase
DELETE /purchases/:id Delete purchase
Request URL Function
GET /products/ Index of all products
GET /products/:id Show one product
POST /products/ Create product
PATCH /products/:id Update product
DELETE /products/:id Delete product


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