This repository has been archived by the owner on Nov 26, 2024. It is now read-only.
Version 2.0.0
Big release. NextPass received a complete overhaul: new under the hood technologies to make it faster, smarter and more reliable; new features; tons of bug fixes; some UI adjustments and much more. Note that this version could introduce breaking changes updating from previous versions.
New HTTP library Ktor:
- NextPass does not use Nextcloud's SSO library anymore, and this means that it won't require Nextcloud's Files to be installed anymore (everything is now managed inside NextPass itself);
- Ktor supports PATCH HTTP method, and this means that updating passwords is now done properly and NextPass comes now with new features that were impossible with SSO library;
- Faster and more reliable network requests;
- Smarter network response parsing.
New json library Kotlinx-serialization:
- NextPass started with just Java's json library, then Jackson was added, then Gson was added, then Gson replaced Java's library, then Gson took down Jackson too and now Kotlinx-serialization won the seat;
- Faster, more reliable and smarter json serialization/desarialization using only Kotlin;
- Removed horrible workarounds that were necessary with Gson.
New features:
- Updating passwords will work exactly as intended;
- Update tags;
- Update folders;
- Add tags to passwords;
- Add tags to new passwords;
- Enable folder mode by default;
- Reset user preferences without logging out from Nextcloud;
- New secure integrated webview to access the Nextcloud server.
Visual improvements:
- Shimmer effect on loading favicons;
- Better corners for favicons;
- Show app icon in autofill items if favicon is not available;
- Added version code in 'About' screen for Android >= 9;
- Adjusted padding here and there;
- Fixed plurals here and there.
So many bug fixes, I just can't remember them.
Many under-the-hood improvements: code cleanup, lint, refactor and so on...
Little performance boost.
Updated libraries.