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processing files of sense-chess

These are the files for Processing of sense-chess running our prototype.
It is under permanent construction.


1. Set up an local server (visit sense-chess server).

2. Install Processing.

3. Install the MySQL library in Processing in the library menu (BezierSQLib).

4. Upload the Arduino Sketches on your Arduinos.

5. Connect the "send"-Arduino and run the "send"-Processing sketch and check for the correct port:
myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 9600);

if Processing prints out another port you have to use this one (instead of 0).

6. Connect the "receive"-Arduino and run the "receive"-Processing sketch and check for the correct port.
The "receive"-Processing code uses the second possible port, thats why it only works when the other Arduino is connected too - or when you change the port. You can use the list of all available ports Processing prints at launch for that.

Attribution Requirements

As an open source project, attribution is critical from a legal, practical and motivational perspective. Please give us credits! Common places for attribution are for example: to mention us in your project README, the 'About' section or the footer on a website/in mobile apps.


This work is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 license. View LICENSE.txt for details.