Single page web app to keep track of various things, like shopping lists, to dos, ... The backend is written in python using flask and flask-restful. The front end is coded around the react and redux js libraries. Ideal to run on a hobby webserver (e.g. raspberry pi).
Installation instruction for deployment on a linux system.
Clone the repository
git clone MemoBoard
Set up a virtual environment
cd MemoBoard
python -m venv venv
Activate the environment and install packages (Windows)
pip install -r requirements.txt
Activate the environment and install packages
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Configure MemoBoard
Create the database and migration
# create database
flask createdb
Note: When running this through a webservice and using SQLite, make sure the user www-data has read/write access to the file.
Run tests and run app
flask run
Check the web how to configure the webserver of your choice (tested with uwsgi and nginx) to serve memoboard. In case a sqlite database is used, make sure the file is readable and writeable by the webserver.
Install all packages through npm
npm install
Test (using Mocha)
npm test
Build ./memoboard/static/js/bundle.js using webpack
npm run-script build
Everyone that wishes to contribute to this project is welcome to reach out. Especially developers with JSX and React experience are invited so scrutinize and improve my code (this was my first project with that technology and there is room for growth and improvement)
This project makes use of several python packages and javascript libraries, without these development would have been much more complicated. The favicon is from