New features:
- Enormous FPS increase.
- Generate a quad mesh for every mini-chunk.
- Instead of drawing every cube on a mini-chunk (4096 cubes * 6 sides => 50,000 triangles), can combine nearby cubes to create rectangles, and can draw one rectangle instead of multiple cubes.
- Currently cuts ~50,000 draws down to 40. Not 40,000, but 40.
- It's easy to see the difference by using P. Open the last version and hit P to see triangle lines. Then open this version and compare.
- Generate a quad mesh for every mini-chunk.
- New controls.
- Mouse look around
- WASD move around
- Shift/space move up/down
- ESC quit
- N toggle noclip
- P cycle polygon mode
- [+ or numpad+] increase render distance
- [- or numpad-] decrease render distance (without unloading existing chunks)
- C toggle face culling