flowchart TD
User --->|Send youtube or soudcloud link| Bot
Bot -->|Download music & add it to playing queue| mpd
mpd -->|reproduce to /music stream| icecast
User -->|Send voice message| Bot
Bot -->|Save voice message & add play it immediatelly| mpd-voice
mpd-voice -->|reproduce to /voice stream| icecast
Register new bot asking BotFather and get a token
git clone https://github.com/serg123e/irirangi.git
cd irirangi
Edit following files replacing
with your secret password and putting corresponding tokens:- bot.env
- mpd.music.conf
- mpd.voice.conf
- icecast.xml
docker-compose build --build-arg UID="$(id -u)" --build-arg GID="$(id -g)"
docker-compose up -d
Now write /start to your bot and add it as and admin to your favorite telegram group
You are awesome! Check http://your-host-name:8000/irirangi for the radio stream
/seek <position>
/move <from-position> <to-position>
/del <position>
/add <url_or_filename>