Quick proyect for OSX in Python3
to search for products in Wallapop, save them in pickle files and keep searching every X seconds (60 by default) to monitorize for new products. It will warn you when a new product is found with a notification in the system. If you find the text a
it will create a file a.pickle
with the results, so when you search for it again it will only show the new results.
~/wallasearch (master ✔) ᐅ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
~/wallasearch (master ✔) ᐅ python3 wallasearch.py
# Author: Sergio Ruiz #
# Github: @serginator #
USAGE: python3 wallasearch.py -s <terms_to_search>
-h, --help
-s, --search <terms> (if more than one word, use quotes)
-t, --time <time> (default 60, in seconds)
--city <city> (default Madrid)
--country <country_code> (default ES)
--telegram (send Telegram notification)
--osx (send OSX notification)
~/wallasearch ᐅ python3 wallasearch.py -s "Lovecraft"
Searching Lovecraft...
New items:
Cthulhu 6 figuras de resina - 15.0
Juego de LOVECRAFT - 25.0
Lovecraft - 5.0
Searching Lovecraft...
In the script file there are three constants that you can modify
# default
LOOP_TIME = 60; # seconds between executions by default
USER_CITY = "Madrid"; # city to search by default
COUNTRY_CODE = "ES"; # country code to search by default
Just add --osx to the command line and it will send a notification to your OSX desktop.
Just add --telegram to the command line and it will send a notification to your Telegram.
You also need to create a bot (@BotFather), get it's token and your internal id (@RawDataBot), and add it to the .env file. Add them to the .env file.
You can add a the term to search in the .env file to avoid typing it every time.