Link del proyecto (codepen):
Is a little web page that can visualize two sort's methods:
1 - Bubble sort 2 - Inset sort
The user can indicate how many numbers want to sort and can select the method.
The user need to select the sort mothod cliking one option of the list, this element are validated, is required by work the system :
- Bubble Sort
- Insertion Sort
<select name="Method">
<option >Bubble Sort</option>
<option >Insertion Sort</option>
This step will save the option that will make us redirect to a new view when the user presses the button "Ordenar" that be in the end in the form.
The user need to select the size cliking one option of the list, this element are validated, is required by work the system :
<select name="Method">
<option >Bubble Sort</option>
<option >Insertion Sort</option>
By this step the user will have selected the method and array size.
In the case that of field Method or field Array Size are unselectec the system should show a Window alert() that notify to user that need to select one option in every field . In the case that two field are seleted, when the user cliking "Ordener" Button the user will be redirect to a new view, can be redirect to Bubble Sort windows or Insertion Sort window, It will depend on which option user choose in the fields.