Receive or emit remote control codes through an adapter connected to the sound card or serial port.
The adapter is a single infrared photodiode connected to the microphone jack: the infrared receiver page. It may be soldered or assembled using breakouts. Also the el-cheapo sound emitter (the one used by irblast, below) may work at short range; do not insert it fully in the jack.
The following programs use this adapter:
remote decodes the signals received from a remote control
layout stores all codes a remote control emits in a text file;
layouttoirdb converts it into the irdb format -
signal2pbm visualizes the raw infrared signals
Two adapters send remote control signals, one through the sound card, the other through the serial port. The first is the universal remote control for mobiles that is sold for under a Euro on ebay; it is cheap and can be bought ready-made, but it may work with the irblast program here or not, or only at close range, depending on the sound card and the device to be controlled. The serial port adapter needs to be made from parts, but is more reliable; it can be assembled on a breadboard.
- irblast emits codes via the sound adapter
- serial emits codes via the serial adapter