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Site Module

A base module for all S. Group sites, featuring a few helpers and scaffolding.

Offline switch

There's a hard-offline setting that's useful for when taking a staging site offline. It's more heavy-handed than Craft's offline behaviour, as we want to prevent anyone from logging into Craft (to save confusion between environments).

Control it in your general.php config.


return [
    'staging' => [
        'isOffline' => true,

Vite & Resources

Adds a @resource alias for use in templates. This will resolve to either @webroot/../resources if the dev server is running, or @webroot/dist if not. The We store our static asset files outside of the webroot.

We also provide a resource() Twig function that does a similar thing, but resolves to your Vite plugin settings. devServerPublic if the dev server is running, or serverPublic if not. In practice this resolves to http://localhost:3000/ and /dist respectively.

Resources in Twig

Through these, you'll be able to refer to resources like JS, CSS, images and fonts - anything in your /resources folder in your templates. For example, a common scenario is wanting to include images in your Twig templates. You can use the following options to acheieve this.

{# Use the `@resources` alias #}
<img src="{{ alias('@resource/img/logo.png') }}">

{# Or use the `resource()` Twig function #}
<img src="{{ resource('/img/logo.png') }}">

If you need to inline an SVG, it's encouraged to use the svg() Twig function. With this, your only option is to use an alias.

{{ svg('@resource/img/logo.svg') }}

Base module

Yii's modules are pretty slim, and we loose a bunch of boilerplating that Craft plugins get for free. We add this in base/Module. Every Yii module for a project you create should extend this not Yii's module class.

use sgroup\sitemodule\base\Module;

class SiteMigration extends Module

Twig extensions

We provide a good bunch of Twig extensions for better template development.

svgPlaceholder($width, $height = null)

Given a width and height, this will generate a transparent SVG. This is most commonly used for the src attribute of <img> tags when lazyloading. This creates the correct dimensions for the image, while the real image is being lazyloaded. Doing this prevent a noticable "jump" when going from an image on zero dimensions to the proper one.


An opinionated, AU-based phone formatter. Throw it any phone number and it'll internationalize it, deal with spaces and area codes, ready for use in <a href="tel:"

getVideo($asset, $settings = [])

Given an asset, this will render an <iframe> or <video>. This handles both Embedded Asset plugin videos, or real uploaded videos. For any YouTube-based embedded asset, it'll render an <iframe> and embed the video URL.

You can also pass in attributes to be used either in the URL (as URL-encoded params) or in <video> attributes. You can include any attribute, but some worth mentioning:

Option Description
muted Whether the video should be muted.
autoplay Whether the video should autoplay.
controls Whether the video controls should be shown.

getImg($image, $transform = null, $lazyload = false, $attributes = [], $sizes = 'default')

This will return an <img> tag, pre-configured with a bunch of options.

Option Description
image The asset.
transform Either an array (for dynamic transform) or string for the transform.
lazyload Whether the the image should be lazyloaded.
attributes A collection of attributes, added to the <img> element.
sizes An array of valid sizes, used for srcset.

By default, we use srcset to provide ['1x', '1.5x', '2x', '3x'] sizes.

{% set asset = %}

{# Renders a small image #}
{{ getImg(asset, 'small') }}

<img src=".../image.jpg" srcset=".../image.jpg, .../image.jpg 1.5x, .../image.jpg 2x, .../image.jpg 3x" width="400" height="400" alt="Title" />
{# Renders a small image, lazyloaded #}
{{ getImg(asset, 'small', true) }}

<img class="lazyload" src="" width="400" height="400" alt="Title" data-src=".../image.jpg" data-srcset=".../image.jpg, .../image.jpg 1.5x, .../image.jpg 2x, .../image.jpg 3x" />
{# Renders a small image with extra classes and attributes #}
{{ getImg(asset, 'small', true, { class: ['testing', 'some'], 'data-attr': 'val' }) }}

<img class="lazyload testing some" data-attr="val" src="" width="400" height="400" alt="Title" data-src=".../image.jpg" />
{# Renders a small image, lazyloaded, no `srcset` #}
{{ getImg(asset, 'small', true, [], false) }}

<img class="lazyload" src="" width="400" height="400" alt="Title" data-src=".../image.jpg" />
{# Renders a small image - no `srcset` #}
{{ getImg(asset, 'small', false, [], false) }}

<img src=".../image.jpg" width="400" height="400" alt="Title" />
{# Using an object instead of a transform handle #}
{{ getImg(asset, { mode: 'crop', width: 100, height: 200 }) }}

<img src=".../image.jpg" width="100" height="200" alt="Title" />

Focal point

If a focal point is defined on the image, it'll be output via inline style rules.

<img src=".../image.jpg" style="object-fit: cover; object-position: 86.7% 85.88%;" />


This has the same options as getImg() except the $attributes. This will return an object of attributes for you to apply on your own. Ideally, you'd use the {{ attr() }} function.

{% set asset = %}

{# Renders a small image, lazyloaded #}
<img class="img-cover" {{ attr(getImgAttr(asset, 'small')) }} />

<img class="img-cover" src=".../image.jpg" srcset=".../image.jpg, .../image.jpg 1.5x, .../image.jpg 2x, .../image.jpg 3x" width="400" height="400" alt="Title" />
{# Renders a small image, lazyloaded #}
<img class="lazyload img-cover" {{ attr(getImgAttr(asset, 'small', true)) }} />

<img class="lazyload img-cover" src="" width="400" height="400" alt="Title" data-src=".../image.jpg" data-srcset=".../image.jpg, .../image.jpg 1.5x, .../image.jpg 2x, .../image.jpg 3x" />
{# Renders a small image, lazyloaded, no `srcset` #}
<img class="lazyload img-cover" {{ attr(getImgAttr(asset, 'small', true, false)) }} />

<img class="lazyload img-cover" src="" width="400" height="400" alt="Title" data-src=".../image.jpg" />
{# Renders a small image #}
<img class="img-cover" {{ attr(getImgAttr(asset, 'small', false)) }} />

<img class="img-cover" src=".../image.jpg" srcset=".../image.jpg, .../image.jpg 1.5x, .../image.jpg 2x, .../image.jpg 3x" width="400" height="400" alt="Title" />
{# Renders a small image, no `srcset` #}
<img class="img-cover" {{ attr(getImgAttr(asset, 'small', false, false)) }} />

<img class="img-cover" src=".../image.jpg" width="400" height="400" alt="Title" />

You'll notice on the instances we're using lazyloading the need to manually include the lazyload class because we're rendering the classes on our own. Alternatively, you could do:

{% set attributes = getImgAttr(asset, 'small', false, false) | merge({
    class: 'img-cover',
}) %}

<img {{ attr(attributes) }} />

This would combine the img-cover class in the template and the lazyload class from the function.


This behaves in almost the exact same manner as getImg() but returns a <div> element.

{# Renders a banner image #}
{{ getBg(asset, 'banner', false, { class: 'img-cover aspect aspect-21x9' }) }}

<div class="img-cover aspect aspect-21x9" style="background-image: url('../image.jpg');"></div>
{# Renders a banner image, lazyloaded #}
{{ getBg(asset, 'banner', true, { class: 'img-cover aspect aspect-21x9' }) }}

<div class="lazyload img-cover aspect aspect-21x9" data-bgset="../image.jpg, ../image.jpg 1.5x, ../image.jpg 2x, ../image.jpg 3x"></div>
{# Renders a banner image, no `srcset` #}
{{ getBg(asset, 'banner', false, { class: 'img-cover aspect aspect-21x9' }, false) }}

<div class="img-cover aspect aspect-21x9" style="background-image: url('../image.jpg');"></div>
{# Renders a banner image, lazyloaded, no `srcset` #}
{{ getBg(asset, 'banner', true, { class: 'img-cover aspect aspect-21x9' }, false) }}

<div class="lazyload img-cover aspect aspect-21x9" data-bg="../image.jpg"></div>

Focal point

If a focal point is defined on the image, it'll be output via inline style rules.

<div style="background-image: url('../image.jpg'); background-position: 86.7% 85.88%;"></div>


This behaves in almost the exact same manner as getImgAttr(), just with different attributes.

{% set attributes = getBgAttr(asset, 'banner', false) %}
<div class="img-cover aspect aspect-21x9" {{ attr(attributes) }}></div>
{% set attributes = getBgAttr(asset, 'banner', true) %}
<div class="lazyload img-cover aspect aspect-21x9" {{ attr(attributes) }}></div>
{% set attributes = getBgAttr(asset, 'banner', false, false) %}
<div class="img-cover aspect aspect-21x9" {{ attr(attributes) }}></div>
{% set attributes = getBgAttr(asset, 'banner', true, false) %}
<div class="lazyload img-cover aspect aspect-21x9" {{ attr(attributes) }}></div>