The objective of this web app is to develop a real-time Indian Sign Language (ISL) symbol detection system. Its primary aim is to facilitate seamless communication between hearing-impaired individuals and the general population. Many people are not familiar with sign language, which can create communication barriers. To address this, we are initially focusing on detecting basic hand signs related to alphabets and digits. Our goal is to ensure that hearing-impaired individuals can be better understood by others, enhancing their overall communication experience.
In the 2000s, the Indian deaf community advocated for an institute dedicated to Indian Sign Language (ISL) teaching and research. Their efforts culminated in the approval of the Indian Sign Language Research and Training Center (ISLRTC) under the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), Delhi, in 2011. However, the center at IGNOU closed in 2013, sparking protests. Following discussions and protests, ISLRTC was integrated with the Ali Yavar Jung National Institute of Hearing Handicapped (AYJNIHH) in 2015. After further negotiations, ISLRTC was officially established as a Society under the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, in New Delhi on September 28, 2015. This achievement significantly addressed gaps in the education and communication needs of India's deaf community.
- Real-time hand sign detection based on the Indian Sign Language (ISL).
- Aids those unfamiliar with ISL in understanding hearing-impaired individuals.
- Multiple detection options: real-time detection with live camera feed, image uploads, and video analysis.
- Identificaton of specific signs present in the input, whether it's an image, video, or live camera feed.
- Initial release includes digit (0-9) detection; alphabet detection is planned for a future update.
- ISL has its own distinct vocabulary and grammar system. It is not directly based on spoken languages like Hindi or English but has its own syntax and grammar rules.
- ISL relies on various handshapes and movements to convey meaning. Different handshapes and movements can represent different words, ideas, or concepts.
- Created Custom Data of Hand signs using Google's Teachable Machines along with Kaggle's ISL Dataset
Data Augmentation - a technique to increase the diversity of your training set by applying random (but realistic) transformations, such as image rotation.
Applied data augmentation techniques to enhance training dataset diversity using Keras' ImageDataGenerator. Techniques included random horizontal rotation, flipping, brightness and contrast adjustments, resizing, resampling, and more.
Developed a custom dataset utilizing Google Teachable Machine, further contributing to the dataset's richness and authenticity.
Please refer to this notebook for complete detailed analysis, also check out other files in this 📁,all these are part of the Data Pre-processing and Data Cleaning.
- created a Convolutional Nueral Network (CNN) Model with below architecture
Leveraged Google's Teachable Machine to develop a more intricate neural network, which significantly improved model performance.
Applied Keras' ImageDataGenerator, a powerful tool for augmenting the training dataset. This included techniques such as random horizontal rotation, flipping, adjustments in brightness, contrast, resizing, resampling, and more, resulting in a more diverse and authentic dataset.
Incorporated Mediapipe's Hands solutions to accurately identify and display hand landmarks within images. Subsequently, the hand regions were cropped from the images and fed into the CNN model for precise predictions.
- Streamlit is used for building the web app and Stremlit Cloud is used for hosting the web app.
To set up and use Sentiment Analyzer in your own project, follow these steps:
- Clone this repository to your local machine.
git clone
- Install the required dependencies for python 3.9 or above.
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run the streamlit application
streamlit run