I'm trying to reinvent construction set with nuts and bolts. Metal and plastic parts will be here. Electronic parts can be found here.
- OpenSCAD - The Programmers Solid 3D CAD Modeller.
git clone https://github.com/shadowlamer/bcse.git
git submodule init
git submodule update
openscad parts/metal/tiny.scad -o tiny.dxf
Will produce something like this:
openscad parts/metal/part.scad -D 'part=["panel", [3,4]]' -o panel_3x4.dxf
openscad parts/metal/part.scad -D 'part=["wheel", [5]]' -o wheel_r5.dxf
openscad parts/metal/part.scad -D 'part=["angle", [5]]' -o angle_5.dxf
openscad parts/metal/part.scad -D 'part=["apanel", [5,5]]' -o apanel_5x5.dxf
openscad parts/metal/part.scad -D 'part=["ppanel", [1,5]]' -o ppanel_1x5.dxf
Use Deepnest.io. It works.