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Evergreen FOX staking contract (synthetix fork)

Mainnet deployment

Notes for operation of rewards periods (Attention: multisig signers)

Initial set-up


Executing these transactions in sequence is critical.

  1. Call acceptOwnership from the DAO multisig.
  2. Call setRewardsDistribution setting the DAO multisig address as the rewards distribution address.
  3. Call setRewardsDuration with the correct duration for the rewards period in seconds.
  4. Transfer FOX to the StakingRewards contract. (NOTE: this step can be done and tested with a smaller amount of FOX if desired)
  5. Call notifyRewardAmount with the amount of FOX to be distributed over the rewards period duration. This will start the rewards period immediately.

Ongoing operation

Starting a new rewards period - Prior to adding more FOX for a new period, be sure that the the previous period has expired AND the correct duration is set.

Modifying Rewards Amount - The amount of rewards can be increased at any time during an active period by sending FOX to the contract and then calling notifyRewardAmount. However, be aware that this resets the program period countdown all over again.

Changing program duration - The duration of a rewards period can not be changed during an active rewards period. To modify the duration, the current period must expire and then the duration can be set before starting the next period.

Getting started

nvm use

npm i

Hardhat usage

Compile: npx hardhat compile

Test: npx hardhat test

Deploy with Ignition


First configure the .env file with valid RPC_URL, PRIVATE_KEY and ETHERSCAN_API_KEY values.

Visualize the deployment plan: npx hardhat ignition visualize ignition/modules/StakingRewards.ts --network mainnet

Deploy and verify the contract: npx hardhat ignition deploy ignition/modules/StakingRewards.ts --network mainnet --verify


Start the local hardhat node: npx hardhat node

Deploy the contract: npx hardhat ignition deploy ignition/modules/StakingRewards.ts --network localhost

Deployment notes

The rewardsDistribution address has exclusive permissions to call the notifyRewardAmount function, which is used to add new rewards to the contract.

The owner address has exclusive permissions to call:

  • The recoverERC20 function, which is used to recover any ERC20 tokens that are accidentally sent to the contract (except the staking token).

  • The setRewardsDuration function, which is used to set the rewards duration.

  • The owner can nominate a new owner for the contract.


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