Project Challenge your knowledge in Python
This is an application built in Python to play quiz and get coins based on the number of correct questions answered. This application is useful to encourage students to check their knowledge in python and to create interest among students. It also allows students to purchase products based on his/her accumulated coins. This is an authentication (login/registration) based application and also facilitated with an admin module to insert new quiz questions in the database table.
Problem Definition (This application has been developed using Tkinter as Graphical User Interface, Mysql as database and MySQL connector to connect to database. Below is the high-level flow of the application.)
This Application is developed in below 7 modules.
a) Launch the application o Launch the application by running the python program o Error handling/Validation: i. First time, when you launch the project, you will be only given login/register menu. ii. All other menus will be hidden and they only will appear based on successful login authentication.
b) Role based Menu display o If the user is standard user, on successful login, he /she will get two menus to choose from – Play the Quiz and also Purchase based on the coins he has in his account
o If the user is admin –he additionally gets another menu to insert new quiz questions in the database
o Upon successful login, the username is tracked in the entire session and login/registration menu gets disabled to avoid accidental re-login which could lose his session.
c) Registration Module o This module asks first time user to enter important information like username, email, gender, password, age.
o On successful validation of the above entries, the application stores the user information in the database
o Also, upon registration, 500 points are awarded to the first-time user.
o Error handling/Validation:
i. Username cannot be blank – shows *mandatory on screen next to username entry box.
ii. Password cannot be blank - shows *mandatory on screen next to password entry box.
iii. If user enters non integer value in age field, it will prompt that only integer is allowed
iv. Check for same username existence in Database table – checks against user_profile table
• If username already exists, gives message, to user notifying the username already exists
d) Login Module
o Once registered, user can login in the app using the username and password chosen by him/her.
o On clicking the login option menu in application, user will be asked to provide username and password to login in the app
o On successful login (userid and password are validated against database user profile table) , the app will take the user to the quiz wizard.
o Error handling/validation:
I. Username cannot be blank – shows *mandatory on screen next to username entry box
II. Password cannot be blank – shows *mandatory on screen next to password entry box
III. Check for Username’s presence in the database, else gives message “Username does not exist”
IV. Check for Password’s presence in the database else gives message “Password does not match “
e) Play Module
o On successful login (userid and password are validated against database user profile table), the app will take the user to the quiz wizard.
o In Quiz wizard, user will be given max 5 MCQs in a single UI screen with 3 options for each question.
o If the questions are already attempted by User, then they will not be coming again
o At the end of submission, it will show the number of correct questions and also will award 10 coins for each correct question.
o It will also show the total coins in user account.
f) Reward Module
o In the reward / purchase module, user can buy the product available using his coins
o The available product will be displayed at the top along with the number of coins required to purchase them
o On purchase, coins will be deducted, and new total coins will be shown in the UI window
o If the user enters an invalid product id, it will give an error message saying product id does not exist
g) Admin – Insert new Quiz Question Module o If the logged-in user is admin, he will be getting an additional admin module to add new quiz questions
Block Diagram *function names are mentioned in ()
Database Schema
Below is the list of the tables used in this application.
a) Table name: user_profile
Description: Stores the user information.
Table information:
Field | Type | Comments |
username | Varchar(100) | This column is primary and not null |
Varchar(255) | Email id for the user | |
gender | Varchar(6) | Gender of the user |
age | int | Age of the user |
password | Varchar(100) | Password of the user |
b) Table name: catalogue
Description: Store the product details that are available for purchase using reward points
Table information:
Field | Type | Comments |
Product_id | int | Product_id is the primary and not null |
Product_desc | Varchar(255) | Stores product description |
Coins_required | int | Coins required to purchase each product |
c) Table name: currency
Description: Store the currency for user
Table information:
Field | Type | Extra |
username | Varchar(100) | Foreign key of username from user_profile table This field is primary and not null for this table |
coins | int | Coins that user has |
d) Table name: questions1
Description: Stores the MCQ questions with 3 options and correct answer
Table information:
Field | Type | Extra |
Q_no | int | Question_no is primary and not null |
Q_level | int | Question level can be 1 ,2 ,3 based on difficulty |
Question_desc | Varchar(1000) | Question description |
Opt_a | Varchar(500) | First option for answer in MCQ |
Opt_b | Varchar(500) | First option for answer in MCQ |
Opt_c | Varchar(500) | First option for answer in MCQ |
ans | Varchar(500) | Contain the correct answer |
a) Table name: questions_attempted
Description: Stores the questions attempted by user so that next time they are not repeated
Table information:
Field | Type | Extra |
Username | int | Primary key , not null and also Foreign key of username from user_profile table |
Q_level | int | Question level can be 1 ,2 ,3 based on difficulty |
Attempt_no | int | Capture the user attempt number |
Q1 | int | Stores the first question id out of the 5 questions attempted by user |
Q2 | int | Stores the second question id out of the 5 questions attempted by user |
Q3 | int | Stores the third question id out of the 5 questions attempted by user |
Q4 | int | Stores the fourth question id out of the 5 questions attempted by user |
Q5 | int | Stores the fifth question id out of the 5 questions attempted by user |
Input: Nothing specific (just run the python program)
Output: Application launched with registration and login menu
List of datafiles/database: None
Menu load based on username
def menu_load(username):
# if first time the application is loaded , it will only show login and register menu
# the check is made by checking username is None
if( username is None):
global file3
file3 = Menu(menubar, tearoff = 0)
menubar.add_cascade(label ='Login/Register', menu = file3)
file3.add_command(label ='Register', command = register_form)
file3.add_command(label ='Login', command = login_form)
file3.add_command(label ='Exit', command = main_root.quit)
# once the user is logged in , username will be not None
# here username is a global variable , used in different functions
elif ( username is not None) :
# delete the login submenu so the user cant try relogin or reregister once logged in
# Display Play game menu
file = Menu(menubar, tearoff = 0)
menubar.add_cascade(label ='Play Game', menu = file)
file.add_command(label ='Start', command = play_game_functon)
file.add_command(label ='Exit', command = main_root.quit)
# Display Reward menu
file1 = Menu(menubar, tearoff = 0)
menubar.add_cascade(label ='Reward', menu = file1)
file1.add_command(label ='Purchase Product', command=purchase_module)
# if user is admim , display admin module also
if (username =='admin'):
file2 = Menu(menubar, tearoff = 0)
menubar.add_cascade(label ='Admin Module', menu = file2)
file2.add_command(label ='Add Record', command = insert_question_form)
Main UI in tkinter
global username
username = None
# create root window
main_root = Tk()
main_root.title("Challenge Your Knowledge")
create frame
global frame
# menubar
menubar = Menu(main_root)
main_root.config(menu = menubar)
global label,label100
label = Label(main_root, text="Welcome to Challenge Your Knowledge App", font=('Times New Roman', '60'), fg="black", bg="grey") = 0.5, rely = 0.5, anchor = 's')
label100 = Label(main_root, text='New user select register from Menu else Select login', font=('Times New Roman', '20'), fg="black", bg="grey") = 0.5, rely = 0.5, anchor = 'n')
# load menu
## Destroy the window at the end
Input: Username, email, age, gender, password Output: • All inputs are validated and authenticated. • On successful validation, username and other info is stored in user_profile table in database • Give 500 coins to the new user in the currency table List of database tables used in this module: • user_profile • currency Code:
Function to create the registration window in tkinter ################################################### Function to create registration window using tkinter ###################################################
def register_form():
global root1
root1 =frame
# label to display the heading "registration form"
label_reg_0 = Label(root1, text="Registration form",width=20,font=("bold", 40),bg='grey', fg="white"),y=53)
# label to display the word username
label_reg_1 = Label(root1, text="*Username",width=20,font=("bold", 20),bg='grey', fg="white"),y=130)
# entry box to get the input for username as given by user during registration
global entry_reg_1
entry_reg_1 = Entry(root1,width=20,bg='grey', fg="white"),y=130)
label_reg_2 = Label(root1, text="Email",width=20,font=("bold", 20),bg='grey', fg="white"),y=180)
global entry_reg_2
entry_reg_2 = Entry(root1,width=20,bg='grey', fg="white"),y=180)
label_reg_3 = Label(root1, text="Gender",width=20,font=("bold", 20),bg='grey', fg="white"),y=230)
global var
var = IntVar()
r1= Radiobutton(root1, text="Male",padx = 5, variable=var, value=1),y=230)
r2=Radiobutton(root1, text="Female",padx = 20, variable=var, value=2),y=230)
label__reg_4 = Label(root1, text="Age:",width=20,font=("bold", 20),bg='grey', fg="white"),y=280)
global entry_reg_4
entry_reg_4 = Entry(root1,width=20,bg='grey', fg="white"),y=280)
label__reg_5= Label(root1, text="*Password:",width=20,font=("bold", 20),bg='grey', fg="white"),y=310)
global entry_reg_5
entry_reg_5 = Entry(root1,width=20,bg='grey', fg="white"),y=310)
btn1=Button(root1, text='Submit', width=20,bg='yellow', fg='red'),y=380)
btn1.bind('<Button-1>', onclick1_register)
Function to validate registration information
def onclick1_register(event):
flag = 0
# If username value is not given then show it as mandatory so that the user can put the value again
username =str(entry_reg_1.get())
if (len(username) == 0):
label_reg_11 = Label(root1, text="*Mandatory",width=20,font=("bold", 20),bg='grey', fg="red"),y=130)
# If email value is not given it will take as None
email =str(entry_reg_2.get())
if (len(email) == 0):
# If gender value is not given it will take as None
gender=str(var.get ())
if (len(gender) == 0):
# If age value is not given it will take as None
if (len(age) == 0):
# check whether integer value is given for age , else throw error
except ValueError:
label_reg_11 = Label(root1, text="*Should be Integer",width=20,font=("bold", 20),bg='grey', fg="red"),y=280)
# If password value is not given then show it as mandatory so that the user can put the value again
password =str(entry_reg_5.get())
if (len(password)== 0):
label_reg_11 = Label(root1, text="*Mandatory",width=20,font=("bold", 20),bg='grey', fg="red"),y=310)
mycursor = mydb.cursor(prepared=True)
# check if the username being inserted is already present
sql_query="select count(*) from user_profile where username=%s"
for row in mycursor:
item_user =(
## if same usename already present in the database table , it will say Username Exists
if ((item_user >0) and (flag==0)) :
label_reg_11 = Label(root1, text="Username Exists ",width=20,font=("bold", 20),bg='grey', fg="red"),y=400)
elif ((item_user==0) and (flag==0)) :
sql ='insert into user_profile(username,email,gender, age,password) values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)'
mycursor.execute(sql,(str(username),str(email),str(gender),str(age), str(password)))
sql1 = "insert into currency(username,coins) values(%s,500)"
label_reg_11 = Label(root1, text="Registration Successful ",width=20,font=("bold", 20),bg='grey', fg="red"),y=400)
Case 1: • All the entries are validated successfully • User gets the message: Registration successful
Case 2: • If username or password field is empty: • The word Mandatory is displayed in the screen next to username/password in red on the screen
Case 3: • If a non-integer value is entered in age field • A message is prompt in red next to age field saying it would be integer
Case 4: • If username already exists in database • A message is prompt in red saying Username Exists
Input: Username, password Output: o All inputs are valid and authenticated. o User is taken to the quiz wizard o At the top of the application, user will see menus like Play Games, Rewards for a standard user o For admin user, he will see an addition menu named Admin Module o Upon successful login register/login menu will be disabled to prevent accidental re-login List of database tables used in this module: • user_profile • question1 Code: Function to create login form #################################################### Function to create login window using Tkinter ###################################################
def login_form():
# tkinter login form
global root_login
root_login =frame
label_reg_login_0 = Label(root_login, text="Login Details",width=20,font=("bold", 40),bg='grey', fg="white"),y=53)
label_reg_login_1 = Label(root_login, text="*Username",width=20,font=("bold", 20),bg='grey', fg="white"),y=130)
global entry_reg_login_1
entry_reg_login_1 = Entry(root_login,width=20,bg='grey', fg="white"),y=130)
label_login_reg_5= Label(root_login, text="*Password:",width=20,font=("bold", 20),bg='grey', fg="white"),y=310)
global entry_login_reg_5
entry_login_reg_5 = Entry(root_login,width=20,bg='grey', fg="white"),y=310)
btn1=Button(root_login, text='Submit', width=20,bg='yellow', fg='red'),y=380)
btn1.bind('<Button-1>', onclick1_login)
Function to validate login information ###################################################### #Function to validate login details #########################################################
def onclick1_login(event):
global username
# check if username filed is left blank , then display the word "*mandatory" nect to username entry box in tkinter window
username =str(entry_reg_login_1.get())
if (len(username) == 0):
label_reg_log11= Label(root_login, text="*Mandatory",width=20,font=("bold", 20),bg='grey', fg="red"),y=130)
# check if password filed is left blank , then display the word "*mandatory" nect to username entry box in tkinter window
password =str(entry_login_reg_5.get())
if (len(password)== 0):
label_reg_log12 = Label(root_login, text="*Mandatory",width=20,font=("bold", 20),bg='grey', fg="red"),y=310)
mycursor = mydb.cursor(prepared=True)
# check if the username is present in the user_profile table for validation
sql_query="select count(*) from user_profile where username=%s"
for row in mycursor:
item =(
# if username name is present in the sql table , retrieve th password from db table
if (item >0):
sql_query="select password from user_profile where username=%s"
for row in mycursor:
password1 =(
# match the database password with user given password
if (password == password1):
# is password matched , bring up the play game window
# if password does not match with database entry , then promot Password does not match
label_reg_log13 = Label(root_login, text="Password does not match ",font=("bold", 20),bg='grey', fg="red"),y=410)
# if username does not match with database, then prompt username does not exist
elif (item==0):
label_reg_log13 = Label(root_login, text="Username does not exist ",font=("bold", 20),bg='grey', fg="red"),y=410)
#Sample Output:
Case 1: Valid username and password entered
User will be taken to quiz wizard on successful authentication
Case 2 : When username and password are blank, user will be prompted with field mandatory notification
Case 2: When username does not exist in the database User will be prompted with Username does not exist message
Case 3: When username is valid but password does not match User will be prompted with Password does not match message
Input: None Output: • User will be given 5 MCQs with 3 options for each question at a time. • If the questions are already attempted by user, then they will not be coming again. • If user miss answering any question, the user message saying mandatory will be prompted next to the question. • At the end of submission, it will show the number of correct questions and also will award 10 coins for each correct question. • It will also show the updated total coins in user account. • When no more un-attempted questions are left, it will show the message No quiz questions left to take
List of database tables in this module: • currency • questions1 • questions attempted
Code: ######################################################################
def play_game_functon():
# passing the question_level
def query_qids_not_attempted_by_user(q_level):
# clear the frame and destroy the first screen labels
global root1_play
root1_play =frame
# check for question nos that are not attempted . This query will give all the questions id that are still not attempted by user
global str_qno
str_qno =""
mycursor = mydb.cursor(prepared=True)
sql_query_q= "select * from questions1 where q_level =%s and qno_no not in (select q1 from questions_attempted where username=%s union select q2 from questions_attempted where username=%s union select q3 from questions_attempted where username=%s union select q4 from questions_attempted where username=%s union select q5 from questions_attempted where username=%s)"
for row in mycursor:
item =(
# add the question nos retrieved from table that are unattmpted in variable str_qno
str_qno = str_qno + str(item) + ","
# if no questions are left to try , display the same message
if (str_qno ==""):
label_reg_0 = Label(root1_play, text="No quiz questions left to take" ,font=("bold", 30),bg='grey', fg="pink"),y=100)
str_qno = str_qno[:-1]
### the below function will get the questions details based on question nos not attempted by user so far
Function to get questions details based on the question nos passed from the function query_qids_not_attempted_by_user
#str_no contains the questions nos ####################################################################################################
def play_game_get_questions_not_attempted(q_level,str_qno):
global que1
global que2
global que3
global que4
global que5
global que1_qno
global que2_qno
global que3_qno
global que4_qno
global que5_qno
que1 = StringVar()
que2 = StringVar()
que3 = StringVar()
que4 = StringVar()
que5 = StringVar()
# get the questions from questions table based on the questions number passed
mycursor = mydb.cursor()
sql_query_q1= "select qno_no, qno_desc,opt_a,opt_b,opt_c from questions1 where q_level =%s and qno_no in " + "(" + str_qno +")"
label_reg_0 = Label(root1_play, text="Play Python Knowledge Challenge",font=("bold", 30),bg='grey', fg="pink"),y=10)
# x_row and y_col is to position the components in tkinter
x_row =90
y_col =53
# counter to keep count of the questions
for row in mycursor:
# display 5 questions using tkinter label. each row will contain details about single question like q_no, q_desc, options and answer
#row[1] – is question decrption
var1 ="Question " + str(i+1) +": "+ str(row[1])
x_row =50
# radio buttons for the first question answers
if (i==0):
label_reg_0 = Label(root1_play, text=var1,bg='grey', fg="yellow"),y=y_col)
y_col =y_col+25
r1= Radiobutton(root1_play, text=row[2],padx = 50, variable=que1, value=row[2]),y=y_col)
r2=Radiobutton(root1_play, text=row[3],padx = 50, variable=que1, value=row[3]),y=y_col)
r3=Radiobutton(root1_play, text=row[4],padx = 50, variable=que1, value=row[4]),y=y_col)
y_col =y_col+25
# radio buttons for the second question answers
label_reg_0 = Label(root1_play, text=var1,bg='grey', fg="yellow"),y=y_col)
y_col =y_col+25
#que2 = StringVar()
r1= Radiobutton(root1_play, text=row[2],padx = 50, variable=que2, value=row[2]),y=y_col)
r2=Radiobutton(root1_play, text=row[3],padx = 50, variable=que2, value=row[3]),y=y_col)
r3=Radiobutton(root1_play, text=row[4],padx = 50, variable=que2, value=row[4]),y=y_col)
y_col =y_col+25
# radio buttons for the third question answers
label_reg_0 = Label(root1_play, text=var1,bg='grey', fg="yellow"),y=y_col)
y_col =y_col+25
#que3 = StringVar()
r1= Radiobutton(root1_play, text=row[2],padx = 50, variable=que3, value=row[2]),y=y_col)
r2=Radiobutton(root1_play, text=row[3],padx = 50, variable=que3, value=row[3]),y=y_col)
r3=Radiobutton(root1_play, text=row[4],padx = 50, variable=que3, value=row[4]),y=y_col)
y_col =y_col+25
# radio buttons for the 4th question answers
label_reg_0 = Label(root1_play, text=var1,bg='grey', fg="yellow"),y=y_col)
y_col =y_col+25
#que4 = StringVar()
r1= Radiobutton(root1_play, text=row[2],padx = 50, variable=que4, value=row[2]),y=y_col)
r2=Radiobutton(root1_play, text=row[3],padx = 50, variable=que4, value=row[3]),y=y_col)
r3=Radiobutton(root1_play, text=row[4],padx = 50, variable=que4, value=row[4]),y=y_col)
y_col =y_col+25
# radio buttons for the fifth question answers
label_reg_0 = Label(root1_play, text=var1,bg='grey', fg="yellow"),y=y_col)
y_col =y_col+25
#que5 = StringVar()
r1= Radiobutton(root1_play, text=row[2],padx = 50, variable=que5, value=row[2]),y=y_col)
r2=Radiobutton(root1_play, text=row[3],padx = 50, variable=que5, value=row[3]),y=y_col)
r3=Radiobutton(root1_play, text=row[4],padx = 50, variable=que5, value=row[4]),y=y_col)
y_col =y_col+25
btn1=Button(root1_play, text='Submit', width=20,bg='yellow', fg='red'),y=350)
btn1.bind('<Button-1>', onclick1_play)
######### As the user hits the submit buttion in play game page ######## The following function will be called .
def onclick1_play(event):
flag =0
global response1,response2,response3,response4,response5
global correct_qno
correct_qno =""
# check if user has answered all questions
# if one or question is deplayed in the screen and first question is not answered
if ((len(que1.get()) != 0) and (no_of_q >=1)):
elif (len(que1.get()) == 0):
label_reg_111 = Label(root1_play, text="*All questions are Mandatory",width=20,font=("bold", 20),bg='grey', fg="red"),y=400)
# if two or question is deplayed in the screen and second question is not answered
if ((len(que2.get()) != 0)and (no_of_q >=2)):
elif ((len(que2.get()) == 0) and (no_of_q >=2)):
label_reg_111 = Label(root1_play, text="*All questions are Mandatory",width=20,font=("bold", 20),bg='grey', fg="red"),y=400)
# if three or question is deplayed in the screen and third question is not answered
if ((len(que3.get()) != 0) and (no_of_q >=3)):
elif ((len(que3.get()) == 0) and (no_of_q >=3)):
label_reg_111 = Label(root1_play, text="*All questions are Mandatory",width=20,font=("bold", 20),bg='grey', fg="red"),y=400)
# if four or question is deplayed in the screen and fourth question is not answered
if ((len(que4.get()) != 0) and (no_of_q >=4)):
elif ((len(que4.get()) == 0) and (no_of_q >=4)):
label_reg_111 = Label(root1_play, text="*All questions are Mandatory",width=20,font=("bold", 20),bg='grey', fg="red"),y=400)
# if five or question is deplayed in the screen and fifth question is not answered
if ((len(que5.get()) != 0) and (no_of_q >=5)):
elif ((len(que5.get()) == 0) and (no_of_q >=5)):
label_reg_111 = Label(root1_play, text="*All questions are Mandatory",width=20,font=("bold", 20),bg='grey', fg="red"),y=400)
global correct
correct =0
# if user has answered all questions
if (flag==0):
if (len(que1.get()) != 0):
#validate the first question response with the answer wtored in database
correct = verify_question(correct_qno, correct,que1_qno,que1.get())
str_qno1 =str(que1_qno) +","+ str(0)+","+ str(0)+","+ str(0)+","+ str(0)
if (len(que2.get()) != 0):
#validate the second question response with the answer wtored in database
str_qno1 =str(que1_qno) + ","+ str(que2_qno) +","+ str(0)+","+ str(0)+","+ str(0)
if (len(que3.get()) != 0):
#validate the third question response with the answer wtored in database
correct= verify_question(correct_qno,correct,que3_qno,que3.get())
str_qno1 =str(que1_qno) + ","+ str(que2_qno) + ","+ str(que3_qno)+","+ str(0)+","+ str(0)
if (len(que4.get()) != 0):
#validate the fourth question response with the answer wtored in database
correct= verify_question(correct_qno,correct,que4_qno,que4.get())
str_qno1 =str(que1_qno) + ","+ str(que2_qno) + ","+ str(que3_qno)+","+ str(que4_qno)+","+ str(0)
if (len(que5.get()) != 0):
#validate the fifth question response with the answer wtored in database
correct= verify_question(correct_qno,correct,que5_qno,que5.get())
str_qno1 =str(que1_qno) + ","+ str(que2_qno) + ","+ str(que3_qno)+","+ str(que4_qno)+","+ str(que5_qno)
######## Display total correct anwser
if (no_of_q >5):
elif (no_of_q <=5):
text34 = "Answered "+ str(correct) +" out of " + str(no_of_q_temp) + " questions properly."
label_reg_11 = Label(root1_play, text=text34, font=("bold", 20),bg='grey', fg="yellow"),y=375)
# give 10 points for each corrected question
points_earned = 10*correct
#get current points of the user and add the points earned
current_currency_ofuser= user_currency_coin_details(username)
# add points earned
new_point=points_earned + current_currency_ofuser
# disdplay the earned point to the user
text35 = "You have earned " + str(points_earned)+ " new Points !"
label_reg_12 = Label(root1_play, text=text35, font=("bold", 20),bg='grey', fg="yellow"),y=405)
# update new currency
#Display total points
text36 = "Your total points now " + str(new_point)
label_reg_12 = Label(root1_play, text=text36, font=("bold", 20),bg='grey', fg="yellow"),y=435)
#update attempt table
update_attempted_table(username, str_qno1)
def verify_question(correct_qno,correct,que_qno,option):
mycursor = mydb.cursor(prepared=True)
sql_query_q11= "select ans from questions1 where qno_no =%s"
for row in mycursor:
if (row[0] == option):
correct = correct +1
correct_qno =str(correct_qno) + str (que_qno) + " ,"
return correct
Update question attempted table when the user submits the questions so that next time when the user is playing same question is not repeated
def update_attempted_table(username, str_qno):
# get attempt no for the user from db table
mycursor = mydb.cursor(prepared=True)
sql_query1 ="SELECT max(attempt_no) + 1 FROM questions_attempted where username =%s"
for row in mycursor:
attempt_no =(
if (attempt_no is None):
## Add the attempt no and attempted question numbers to the questions attempted table
sql_query_q11= "insert into questions_attempted(username,attempt_no,q1,q2,q3,q4,q5) values(" +"'" + username +"'," +str(attempt_no) +","+str(str_qno) +")"
def update_currency_or_coin_post_purchase(username,money):
mycursor = mydb.cursor(prepared=True)
update_query="update currency set coins=%s where username=%s"
#Sample output:
When no more un-attempted questions left
Input: None
Output: • In the reward / purchase module, user can buy the product available using his coins • The available product will be displayed at the top along with the number of coins required to purchase them • On purchase, coins will be deducted and new total coins will be shown in the UI window • If the user enters an invalid product id, it will give an error message saying product id does not exist List of database tables: • catalog • currency Code:
#################################################################### #function to design the purchase window ######################################################################
def purchase_module():
global root
root =frame
root.columnconfigure(0,weight =1)
root.columnconfigure(1,weight =2)
label_01 =Label(root,text="Hi "+ username, width=20,font=("bold",20),bg='grey', fg="white")
label_01.grid(row =0 , column = 0, sticky = W, pady = 2,columnspan=3)
label_0 =Label(root,text="Welcome to Purchase Central! ", width=20,font=("bold",20),bg='grey', fg="white")
label_0.grid(row = 1, column = 0, sticky = W, pady = 2,columnspan=3)
#setting the table as per the products available to Purchase ###############
label_1 =Label(root,text="Items available to Purchase", width=20,font=("bold",20),bg='grey', fg="white")
label_1.grid(row = 2, column = 0, sticky = W, pady = 2,columnspan=3)
#for displaying the table data set the table headings via label ##########
e1 = Entry(root, width=20, fg='blue',bg ='yellow',font=('Arial',16,'bold'))
e1.grid(row=4,column=0,ipadx=10, ipady=10, sticky="EW")
e2 = Entry(root, width=20, fg='blue',bg ='yellow',font=('Arial',16,'bold'))
e2.grid(row=4, column=1, ipadx=10, ipady=10, sticky="EW")
e2.insert(END,"Product Description")
e3 = Entry(root, width=20, fg='blue',bg ='yellow',font=('Arial',16,'bold'))
e3.grid(row=4, column=2, ipadx=10, ipady=10, sticky="EW")
e3.insert(END,"Coins reqd to Purchase")
### display the catalogue table data in the Window in a table format #########
global total_row
total_row= display_all_catalogue_data()
## to give more gap
total_row = total_row+6
# Notify the user about the currnecy and coins he has ###
### Ask the user what product he wants to buy ##########
label_5 =Label(root,text="Please enter the product id for what you want ot buy :", width=40,font=("bold",20),bg='grey', fg="white")
label_5.grid(row = 12+total_row, column = 0, sticky = W, pady = 2,columnspan =2)
## textbox to provide the product id which he wqants to buy based on products displayed in the table ########
global e5
e5.grid(row=12+total_row, column=1)
############## call the function to validate whether user has money to buy based on username, product_id and preferred mode of currency ######
### preferred mode of currency and product_id to be inputted by user in the GUI ##########
text3 =""
btn=Button(root, text='Submit', width=20,bg='yellow', fg='red')
btn.grid(row=12+total_row, column=2)
btn.bind('<Button-1>', onclick_purchase)
Python program to create a table to display the product catalogue data
def display_all_catalogue_data():
class Table:
def __init__(self,root):
# code for creating table
for i in range(total_rows):
for j in range(total_columns):
self.e = Entry(root, width=20, fg='blue',bg='grey',
self.e.grid(row=5+i, column=j, ipadx=10, ipady=10, sticky="EW")
self.e.insert(END, lst[i][j])
# take the data
lst = query_all_in_catalogue()
# find total number of rows and
# columns in list
total_rows = len(lst)
total_columns = len(lst[0])
t = Table(root)
return total_rows
######################################### #Function to display the user currency and coin information ### ###########################################
def user_currency_info_to_be_shown_in_gui(username):
# Notify the user about the currnecy and coins he has ###
label_2 =Label(root,text="You have ", width=20,font=("bold",20),bg='grey', fg="white")
label_2.grid(row = 7+total_row, column = 0, sticky = W, pady = 2)
currency_1 = user_currency_coin_details(username)
text1 = str(currency_1) + " coins "
label_3 =Label(root,text=text1,bg="green", fg="yellow", width=20,font=("bold",20))
label_3.grid(row = 7+total_row, column = 1, sticky = W, pady = 2)
def user_currency_coin_details(username):
mycursor = mydb.cursor(prepared=True)
sql_query="select coins from currency where username=%s"
for row in mycursor:
item =(
def onclick_purchase(event):
def product_availability_based_on_currency(username,productid):
mycursor = mydb.cursor(prepared=True)
### check the product price in terms of in catalogue table based on product id chosen by user############
# check if product id given exists in DB
sql_query1="select count(*) from catalogue where product_id=%s"
for row in mycursor:
item3 =(
if (item3 ==0):
text3 ="Product id does not exist"
text4="Please select produc id from the above table "
elif (item3 > 0):
sql_query="select coins_required from catalogue where product_id=%s"
for row in mycursor:
item =(
#### check user coin from database ###########
sql_query="select coins from currency where username=%s"
for row in mycursor:
item1 =(
### compare if user coin is enough to purchase the product he has chosen #######
### if user has money , then purchase the product he has opted for and deduct the amount from his account ##################
if (item1>=item):
item1= item1-item
text3 ="Congrats !Your purchase is succssful"
text4 = "Please check for your latest currency status above"
elif (item1<item):
text3 ="Sorry! You dont have enough money "
#### update the GUI with the text3 message ###########
label_6 =Label(root,text=text3,bg="yellow", width=40,font=("bold",20))
label_6.grid(row = 15+total_row, column = 0, columnspan =3, sticky = W, pady = 2)
label_7 =Label(root,text=text4, bg="yellow", width=40,font=("bold",20))
label_7.grid(row = 17+total_row, column = 0,columnspan =3,sticky = W, pady = 2)
#### call the function to display his latest money status ##########
#Sample output: Case 1: Pre purchase , display the product to purchase , and gives option to enter product id to purchase the corresponding product
Post successful purchase , the user will be displayed with updated currency and a purchase confirmation message
Case 2 : If product id does not exist user will be prompted with the message that Product id does not exist to purchase
Case3 : If user does not have enough money to purchase, user will be prompted with the message that You don’t have enough money to purchase
Input: user should login as admin
Output: o If the logged-in user is an admin, he will be getting an additional admin module to add new quiz questions o The question_no will be auto incremented by one while adding new question in the database so that there is no two questions added with same question_no o All fields are mandatory for insert question UI , if anything is empty , it would prompt as mandatory.
List of database tables: • Questions1
def insert_question_form():
global root_insert
# label to display question form heading
label_insert_0 = Label(root_insert, text="Insert Question form",width=20,font=("bold", 40),bg='grey', fg="white"),y=53)
# labek to read question level ( not used )
label_insert_1 = Label(root_insert, text="*Question Level",width=20,font=("bold", 20),bg='grey', fg="white"),y=130)
# entry box to read question level
global entry_insert_1
entry_insert_1 = Entry(root_insert,width=20,bg='grey', fg="white"),y=130)
# label to read question description
label_insert_2 = Label(root_insert, text="Qestion Description",width=20,font=("bold", 20),bg='grey', fg="white"),y=180)
# entry box to read question description
global entry_insert_2
entry_insert_2 = Entry(root_insert,width=20,bg='grey', fg="white"),y=180)
label_insert_3 = Label(root_insert, text="Option 1",width=20,font=("bold", 20),bg='grey', fg="white"),y=230)
global entry_insert_3
entry_insert_3 = Entry(root_insert,width=20,bg='grey', fg="white"),y=230)
label_insert_4 = Label(root_insert, text="Option 2",width=20,font=("bold", 20),bg='grey', fg="white"),y=280)
global entry_insert_4
entry_insert_4 = Entry(root_insert,width=20,bg='grey', fg="white"),y=280)
label_insert_5= Label(root_insert, text="Option 3",width=20,font=("bold", 20),bg='grey', fg="white"),y=310)
global entry_insert_5
entry_insert_5 = Entry(root_insert,width=20,bg='grey', fg="white"),y=310)
label_insert_6= Label(root_insert, text="Answer",width=20,font=("bold", 20),bg='grey', fg="white"),y=350)
global entry_insert_6
entry_insert_6= Entry(root_insert,width=20,bg='grey', fg="white"),y=350)
btn1=Button(root_insert, text='Submit', width=20,bg='yellow', fg='red'),y=380)
# on button click , call the function onlicki1_insert_data
btn1.bind('<Button-1>', onclick1_insert_data)
def onclick1_insert_data(event):
mycursor = mydb.cursor(prepared=True)
# validation for checking if q_level is empty , then show *mandatry next to teh q_level entry box
q_level =str(entry_insert_1.get())
if (len(q_level) == 0):
label_reg_11 = Label(root_insert, text="*Mandatory",width=20,font=("bold", 20),bg='grey', fg="red"),y=130)
# validation for checking if qno_dssc is empty , then show *mandatry next to teh q_level entry box
qno_desc =str(entry_insert_2.get())
if (len(qno_desc) == 0):
label_reg_11 = Label(root_insert, text="*Mandatory",width=20,font=("bold", 20),bg='grey', fg="red"),y=180)
opt_a =str(entry_insert_3.get())
if (len(opt_a) == 0):
label_reg_11 = Label(root_insert, text="*Mandatory",width=20,font=("bold", 20),bg='grey', fg="red"),y=230)
opt_b =str(entry_insert_4.get())
if (len(opt_a) == 0):
label_reg_11 = Label(root_insert, text="*Mandatory",width=20,font=("bold", 20),bg='grey', fg="red"),y=280)
opt_c =str(entry_insert_5.get())
if (len(opt_a) == 0):
label_reg_11 = Label(root_insert, text="*Mandatory",width=20,font=("bold", 20),bg='grey', fg="red"),y=310)
ans =str(entry_insert_6.get())
if (len(ans) == 0):
label_reg_11 = Label(root_insert, text="*Mandatory",width=20,font=("bold", 20),bg='grey', fg="red"),y=330)
# qno_no will be auto incremented , and inserted . For that , it will read the latest qno from db table and increment by 1 and then insert for new question
sql_query1 ="SELECT max(qno_no) + 1 FROM questions1"
for row in mycursor:
item4 =(
if (item4 is None):
### insert new question in db table
insert_query1="insert into questions1(qno_no,q_level,qno_desc,opt_a,opt_b,opt_c,ans) values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)"
# check if data is inserted
sql_query2="select count(*) from questions1 where qno_no =%s"
for row in mycursor:
item5 =(
if (item5==1):
label_insert_7= Label(root_insert, text="Record Inserted Successfully",width=20,font=("bold", 20),bg='grey', fg="yellow"),y=430)
Message for successful record insertion
Bibliography List of reference links: