Find shelter is a community focused application to help people of all walks of life find a place to spend the night.
- Front End: TypeScript, React, MapBox, Styled Components and SASS
- Back-End: Socket IO, Node and Express with TypeScript
- Database: PostgresQL and ElephantSQL
Create the PostgreSQL database (these instructions may need to be adapted for your operating system):
CREATE DATABASE find-shelter;
Update dbparams.ts to connect with your local PostgreSQL set up.
Create a .env file in the server directory and the information of the database
Clone the repository:
git clone
Install all the dependencies::
In the server folder, install dependencies and then seed the database:
cd server
npm install
npm run db:reset
In the client folder, install dependencies:
cd client
npm install
The app also requires the a PostgreSQL database set up and running.
Start the server with:
npm run dev:server
Start the client side with:
npm start
The development server will automatically open a browser at http://localhost:8000/ with the app running.