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ClashOfClans Wrapper In PHP


This is a wrapper for SuperCell's official Clash Of Clans-API located at and best to use with Discord PHP Wrapper for interaction with Clash API.

You have to create an account on their website and provide credential in the script. The script will auto create an key.

Key Features

  • Trying to cover everything of ClashOfClans API.
  • Email/password login removes the stress of managing tokens
  • Optimised for speed, memory and performance


PHP 7 or higher with cURL support.

Getting Started


$start = new ClashAPILogin();
$login = $start->login("","yourpass");
echo $login; // this will return the api key generated 

GEt Clan By Name

$api = new ClashOfClans();
$results = $api->searchClanByName("The Order"); //returns an array containing all search results
$clan = new CoC_Clan($results->items[0]); //gets the first result from the array

Get Clan Details

$clan = new CoC_Clan("#2PP"); 
$clan->getName(); //returns clan name
$clan->getLevel(); //returns level of clan

Quick Example to interact with Discord API

require_once "./API/API.class.php";
require_once "./API/Login.class.php";
include __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';
use Discord\Discord;
use Discord\Parts\Channel\Message;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use React\EventLoop\Factory;
use React\Http\Browser;
$discord = new Discord([
    'token' => 'token',
$discord->on('ready', function ($discord) {
    echo "Bot is ready!", PHP_EOL;
	$start = new ClashAPILogin();
	//$login = $start->login($dev_email,$dev_password);
	$login = $start->login("",""); //insert your credentials

    // Listen for messages.
	$discord->on('message', function (Message $message, Discord $discord) {
		if($message->content == 'clan' && ! $message->author->bot){
			$foxforce = new CoC_Clan("#2PP");


Contributing is fantastic and much welcomed! If you have an issue, feel free to open an issue and start working on it.

Reach me on discord my username is Shavy#0504



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