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This project is a tailored content management system with e-shop features for the independent book publisher e.p.g. It is my first project and I am the only developer working on it so far. Even though the code is already being used in production, it was the project I learned Laravel with. I also use this repository to show-off my skills.

For those reasons, it is still far from being perfect, and I still have a lot to learn. Because ofthe project's nature, I do not intend to provide any in-depth documentation.

If you are interested, I'll be glad to answer any question.

Quick install guide

  1. Clone the repository and check you have write permissions on /storage.
  1. Run dependencies installation
composer install
npm install
  1. Copy and edit .env configuration file
cp .env.example .env

Notes :

APP_LANG : Used for faker locale, formated as en_US.

APP_ALLOW_REGISTER : Determines if any user can create an account, or if only invited users can.

IMAGE_DRIVER : Determines which PHP image library to use. Possible choices : gd or imagick.

After edition, don't forget to run php artisan config:cache to make the changes available.

  1. Generate APP_KEY
php artisan key:generate
  1. Link storage to public folder
php artisan storage:link

If you get an "Image source not readable" exception, you probably missed this step.

  1. Run NPM script
npm run prod


npm run dev
  1. Run migrations
php artisan migrate
  1. Invite user

If APP_ALLOW_REGISTER is set to false, you have to invite users to join the backend admin panel with this command :

php artisan invite

You can now follow the instructions you received by mail to register as the first user.

Important : The mail configs need to be correctly set up in the .env file in order for the app to send mails.

  1. Login

Go to and login with your freshly created credentials and start publishing.

Custom artisan commands

invite : Invite a new user to register.

db:seed : Fills up database with fake books and fake orders (books will be created with existing media from the library).

db:clean : Empties books, orders and related pivot tables.

backup:table table_name: Creates a backup of a table.

restore:table table_name: Restores a backup of a table.








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