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This is the back-end for the social media app: Mocha. This app has been designed using React(front-end), express(middleware and backend) and MongoDB Atlas. The functionality of this app is inspired by Twitter.

Tech Stack

  • Authentication via JWT
  • Moongoose. Click for models
  • Upload and delete media functionality via cloudinary
  • Express server deployed on Netlify.
  • MongoDB database.
  • CORS handling.
  • Netlify functions.


  • Routing certain paths based on user authentication. Headers from request are used with JWT decoding.
  • Mongoose ODM including foreign references for posts, images. Populate and selection of required data is done as per requirements.
  • Create/edit a user. Default profile and banner images if not entered. Set token as per JWT encoding.
  • Follow/Unfollow functionality by updating current user as well as following user.
  • Like/Bookmark post by updating post as well as the user details.
  • Show list of all likes/bookmarks for a post.
  • Add post and set up media based on received cloudinary data.
  • Add a comment in form of post. Link comment to parent post if needed.
  • Add/edit media and upload/destroy from cloudinary.
  • Get all posts from a user.
  • Handle deleting a post. Includes updating all likes, bookmarks, parent post, comment post and user details.
  • Delete a user. Includes deleting all posts, likes, bookmarks and media automatically. Also update followers, following for other users correspondingly
  • Handle search functionality by searching for username or displayName.


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