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App allows to find rows in csv file with duplicate Values by specified column



  1. file size
    • if file has small size => go through data and put data to hashmap to count occurrences of the target column values, output rows that we've met before. Time complexity O(n), Space complexity O(n)
    • if file has large size => content of file might be not fitted to memory => external merge sort can be used to solve this problem
  2. nature of input data
    • If values of key column are unique with high probability (like guids) => hashmap-based algorithm will be storing a key for each value, thus spanning a memory for the size of the whole input file.
    • If contents of key column are known to be limited to some known set of possible values => then even for large files, not fitted in memory, we can use hashmap

External merge sort

  • Step1. Divide file into chunks fittable into memory (size can be adjusted)
  • Step2. Sort each chunk and save result of sorting into temp file Sorting can be implemented using well known algorithm. I used Sorted Hash Map. Time complexity of insert entry to Sorted Hash Map will be O(log n). Extra space O(n).
  • Step3. Read limited piece of data from each chunk file. In my implementation each chunk has associsated queue and I read data to these queues.
  • Step4. Compare first values in queues. Find queue with minimum value - target value
  • Step5. Started from this queue push element to output while value are equal target value. When elements are finished grab new piece of data from file or move to next queue.
  • Step6. When all queues have no values to output (== targe value) go to step 4.


  • pass valid file
  • pass empty file
  • pass non-existed file
  • pass file without column
  • pass large files
  • pass file with unique value in column
  • pass file with same value in column


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