# RaspberryPI setup
- install
Ubuntu Server 64bit
viaraspberryPi Imager
**arch linux arm64 (aarch64)
seems to have seldom issues running k3s port-forwarding, with or without cilium, and internal traffic
acabbia@ldcl141282m on main!11:56:51 π k port-forward -n kube-system traefik-786ff64748-4vxfs 18000:80
Forwarding from -> 80
Forwarding from [::1]:18000 -> 80
Handling connection for 18000
E0110 11:57:39.031624 47090 portforward.go:400] an error occurred forwarding 18000 -> 80: error forwarding port 80 to pod b5e6e7b88286ae845a9b8e3ff121af854ebaf3f9f3039c66ac23ce3e82a6ccfc, uid : failed to execute portforward in network namespace "/var/run/netns/cni-c9e4d36b-741f-c613-7635-96135e5b93b0": failed to connect to localhost:80 inside namespace "b5e6e7b88286ae845a9b8e3ff121af854ebaf3f9f3039c66ac23ce3e82a6ccfc", IPv4: dial tcp4: lookup localhost: Try again IPv6 dial tcp6: lookup localhost: Try again
E0110 12:02:35.955932 47090 portforward.go:233] lost connection to pod
- check Makefile
target to install dependencies - run
target to install K3s ** restartk3s.service
and exportkubeconfig
- add various
secrets ink8s
kubectl create secret docker-registry regcred-github --docker-server=https://ghcr.io/ --docker-username=shipperizer --docker-password=<GH_PAT> --docker-email=alexcabb@gmail.com
- if using
make k3s
cilium will need to be installed before things work properly - if wanted to use a public dns, add
--tls-san <dns record>
to have it added to the tls certificate - if
is wanted look at https://docs.cilium.io/en/v1.11/gettingstarted/k3s/#install-a-master-node options
Install linux-modules-extra-raspi
on ubuntu
Follow the steps in here
to install cilium CLI
and hubble CLI
curl -L --remote-name-all https://github.com/cilium/cilium-cli/releases/latest/download/cilium-linux-arm64.tar.gz{,.sha256sum}
sha256sum --check cilium-linux-arm64.tar.gz.sha256sum
sudo tar xzvfC cilium-linux-arm64.tar.gz /usr/local/bin
rm cilium-linux-arm64.tar.gz{,.sha256sum}
export HUBBLE_VERSION=$(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cilium/hubble/master/stable.txt)
curl -L --remote-name-all https://github.com/cilium/hubble/releases/download/$HUBBLE_VERSION/hubble-linux-arm64.tar.gz{,.sha256sum}
sha256sum --check hubble-linux-arm64.tar.gz.sha256sum
sudo tar xzvfC hubble-linux-arm64.tar.gz /usr/local/bin
rm hubble-linux-arm64.tar.gz{,.sha256sum}
to install in the cluster look at the Makefile
target cilium
see install requirements if having issues
mainly this if running on latest arch linux
echo 'net.ipv4.conf.lxc*.rp_filter = 0' > /etc/sysctl.d/99-override_cilium_rp_filter.conf
systemctl restart systemd-sysctl
Here we have 2 options:
- run
make istio-install
to get istio running via istio-operator, cni-plugin will be installed as well - use cilium customized istio (experimental)
curl -L https://github.com/cilium/istio/releases/download/1.10.4/cilium-istioctl-1.10.4-linux-arm64.tar.gz | tar xz
** an ingress class resource will be created so that is easier to generate certs via cert-manager with the istio
ingress class
** for the cm-acme-solver to work, its service port will have to be exposed via the router for the certificate challenge to be accepted, once done revert to open the gateway port 80
- Install cert-manager via
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/jetstack/cert-manager/releases/download/v1.6.1/cert-manager.yaml
example of a cluster issuer:
apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
kind: ClusterIssuer
name: http-issuer
email: <username>
server: https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory
preferredChain: "ISRG Root X1"
name: http-issuer-account-key
- http01:
class: istio
- create a secret for
builds, same as the one needed to pull images (which is in the default namespace):
echo '{"auths":{"ghcr.io":{"auth":"*****************"}}}' | kubectl create secret generic regcred-github --type=kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=/dev/stdin -n argocd
port forward the service locally and follow the
Getting Started
guide here -
add ssh git creds for image-updater so that it can push commits
kubectl -n argocd create secret generic git-creds --from-file=sshPrivateKey=<path/to/id_rsa>
- add repos to avoid
ssh agent requested but SSH_AUTH_SOCK not-specified
argocd repo add git@github.com:shipperizer/furry-train.git --ssh-private-key-path ~/.ssh/bomber_id_ed25519 --name furry-train
argocd repo add git@github.com:shipperizer/fluffy-octo-telegram.git --ssh-private-key-path ~/.ssh/bomber_id_ed25519 --name fluffy-octo-telegram
and only then create the apps
- create a secret for
builds, for this you will need anOpaque
echo '{"auths":{"ghcr.io":{"auth":"****************"}}}' | kubectl create secret generic regcred-github-kaniko --from-file=config.json=/dev/stdin
- disable
, see article here - run
skaffold run --profile contour
- make sure
is installed if you needtls
ingresses - expose
svc port on the router