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PII detection

Mark Kerzner edited this page Mar 17, 2022 · 8 revisions

FreeEed can detect PII using Inabia or Amazon.



Hello 713-777-7777 Name: John Doe, Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. 1301 McKinney St #2400, Houston, TX 77010


Phone: 713-777-7777
Name: John Doe
Address: 1301 McKinney St #2400, Houston, TX 77010

How to tell FreeEed to do this for you?

The PII settings are in the AI Advisor tab of the project setup.


So, first, you need to choose whether you want PII analysis or not and do you want to detect PII using Inabia or Amazon. You will need to set up the number of documents you wish to analyze per project. That is because this service is slow. Amazon takes 30 minutes to analyze 2,000 documents. Inabia time is similar.

For the Inabia service, you would need Inabia to give you a token. I ( can ask them to provide you with a token if you want.

For Amazon, you will need an Amazon account, two keys that Amazon will give you, and a payment method. Amazon charges you directly using your account, and I am not putting anything on top of your payments to them. The prices are, in my opinion, very low. Here they are Some very rough estimates, with no promises of precision. 10,000 characters per document are 100 units. Each unit is .01 cents. Thus, each document is 1 cent for PII analysis, payable to Amazon.

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